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Integration of pricing, sustainability and 3PL delivery time according to freshness date in a dual-channel fruit supply chain: A game theoretic approach

  • *Corresponding author: Mohammad Reza Gholamian

    *Corresponding author: Mohammad Reza Gholamian 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(11) / Table(5) Related Papers Cited by
  • The perishable nature of agricultural products poses a significant challenge in the management of agricultural supply chains, necessitating the timely delivery of these products. The increasing global population has led to a greater demand for food supplies, prompting the need for sustainable supply chains that take into account environmental concerns and social responsibility. By examining various strategies, such as cooperation, the field of agricultural supply chain management can experience growth. This study investigates a three-level agricultural supply chain model, comprising the farmer, third-party logistics (3PL), and two retailers (online and offline sellers). The 3PL plays a crucial role in this supply chain by ensuring the delivery of fresh produce to customers before the expiration date, as well as implementing environmentally friendly packaging practices. Additionally, the farmer contributes to charitable causes through cash donations. To explore the relationships among the members of the supply chain, two approaches, namely Stackelberg and Nash equilibrium games, are employed. Consequently, two distinct supply chain strategies are developed and compared. In the first scenario, the two retailers cooperate as a single entity, whereas in the second scenario, the retailers compete against each other with the Nash equilibrium utilized to analyze their interactions. In both scenarios, the farmer assumes the role of the Stackelberg game leader, while the retailers act as the first followers, and the 3PL functions as the second follower. The findings of the analysis indicate that cooperation between the two retailers results in higher profits for both parties and the entire supply chain, whereas the profit levels of the farmer and 3PL are comparatively lower in the first scenario. This model can be applied to other case studies that consider these two scenarios as well.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Supply chain schematic

    Figure 2.  Game scenarios

    Figure 3.  Equilibrium values of profit functions in two scenarios

    Figure 4.  The effect of $ a_1 $ on Prices in CM scenario

    Figure 5.  The effect of $ a_1 $ on Prices in DM scenario

    Figure 6.  The effect of $ a_1 $ on profit functions in CM scenario

    Figure 7.  The effect of $ a_1 $ on profit functions in DM scenario

    Figure 8.  The effect of $ k $ on Delivery time

    Figure 9.  The effect of $ \lambda $ on Delivery time

    Figure 10.  The effect of $ h $ on quality of green packaging

    Figure 11.  The effect of $ \tau_1 $ on quality of green packaging

    Table 1.  Most important articles in literature

    Authors Demand dependency 3PL Freshness date Game
    Price Green CSR Delivery time
    Modak and Kelle [19] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg and Nash
    Raza [20] $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    Li et al. [13] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg and Nash
    Heydari et al. [8] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    Xu et al. [29] $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    He et al. [7] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    Yang et al. [30] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    Wang et al. [26] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg and Nash
    Dabaghian et al. [3] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    Dingjun [9] $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg
    This article $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ $ \ast $ Stackelberg and Nash
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    Table 2.  Parameter values

    $ a_1 $ $ a_2 $ $ b $ $ q $ $ \tau_1 $ $ \tau_2 $ $ \gamma_1 $ $ \gamma_2 $
    2400 2000 2 1 0.8 0.7 0.4 0.3
    $ \mu $ $ h $ $ k $ $ m $ $ c $ $ w $ $ \phi $ $ \lambda $
    12 3 6 7 200 800 250 150
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    Table 3.  Decision variables in both scenarios

    Non-cooperative scenario cooperative scenario
    $ p_1 $ 2462.01 3160.07
    $ p_2 $ 2338.19 3040.23
    $ l $ 1.33 1.33
    $ e $ 13.33 13.33
    $ x $ 249.975 249.975
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    Table 4.  Values of profit functions

    Non-cooperative scenario cooperative scenario
    $ \pi_{r_1} $ 3987560 4494280
    $ \pi_{r_2} $ 3854160 4329660.61
    $ \pi_{r} $ 7841690 8821850
    $ \pi_{f} $ 1960280 1470210
    $ \pi_{3PL} $ 281735 212325
    $ \pi_{sc} $ 10083705 10504385
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    Table 5.  The results on demand levels

    Non-cooperative scenario cooperative scenario
    $ D_1 $ 2824.01 2129.92
    $ D_2 $ 2776.39 2070.38
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