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Outer billiards on the Penrose kite: Compactification and renormalization

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We give a fairly complete analysis of outer billiards on the Penrose kite. Our analysis reveals that this $2$-dimensional dynamical system has a $3$-dimensional compactification, a certain polyhedron exchange map defined on the $3$-torus, and that this $3$-dimensional system admits a renormalization scheme. The two features allow us to make sharp statements concerning the distribution, large- and fine-scale geometry, and hidden algebraic symmetry, of the orbits. One concrete result is that the union of the unbounded orbits has Hausdorff dimension $1$. We establish many of the results with computer-aided proofs that involve only integer arithmetic.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37E15; Secondary: 37E99.


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