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Planetary Birkhoff normal forms

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Birkhoff normal forms for the (secular) planetary problem are investigated. Existence and uniqueness is discussed and it is shown that the classical Poincaré variables and the ʀᴘs-variables (introduced in [6]), after a trivial lift, lead to the same Birkhoff normal form; as a corollary the Birkhoff normal form (in Poincaré variables) is degenerate at all orders (answering a question of M. Herman). Non-degenerate Birkhoff normal forms for partially and totally reduced cases are provided and an application to long-time stability of secular action variables (eccentricities and inclinations) is discussed.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 70F10, 70K45, 70F15, 70F07, 70E55, 34C20, 34D10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
  • [1]

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