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Some virtually abelian subgroups of the group of analytic symplectic diffeomorphisms of a surface

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We show that if $M$ is a compact oriented surface of genus $0$ and $G$ is a subgroup of Symp$^\omega_\mu(M)$ that has an infinite normal solvable subgroup, then $G$ is virtually abelian. In particular the centralizer of an infinite order $f \in$ Symp$^\omega_\mu(M)$ is virtually abelian. Another immediate corollary is that if $G$ is a solvable subgroup of Symp$^\omega_\mu(M)$ then $G$ is virtually abelian. We also prove a special case of the Tits Alternative for subgroups of Symp$^\omega_\mu(M)$.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 37C85; Secondary: 37E30, 37C40.


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