We prove a rigidity result for cocycles from higher rank lattices to $ \mathrm{Out}(F_N) $ and more generally to the outer automorphism group of a torsion-free hyperbolic group. More precisely, let $ G $ be either a product of connected higher rank simple algebraic groups over local fields, or a lattice in such a product. Let $ G \curvearrowright X $ be an ergodic measure-preserving action on a standard probability space, and let $ H $ be a torsion-free hyperbolic group. We prove that every Borel cocycle $ G\times X\to \mathrm{Out}(H) $ is cohomologous to a cocycle with values in a finite subgroup of $ \mathrm{Out}(H) $. This provides a dynamical version of theorems of Farb–Kaimanovich–Masur and Bridson–Wade asserting that every homomorphism from $ G $ to either the mapping class group of a finite-type surface or the outer automorphism group of a free group, has finite image.
The main new geometric tool is a barycenter map that associates to every triple of points in the boundary of the (relative) free factor graph a finite set of (relative) free splittings.
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