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Asymptotic-preserving scheme for a bi-fluid Euler-Lorentz model

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The present work is devoted to the simulation of a strongly magnetized plasma considered as a mixture of an ion fluid and an electron fluid. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the model is isothermal and described by Euler equations coupled with a term representing the Lorentz force. Moreover we assume that both Euler systems are coupled through a quasi-neutrality constraint of the form $n_{i}=n_{e}$. The numerical method which is described in the present document is based on an Asymptotic-Preserving semi-discretization in time of a variant of this two-fluid Euler-Lorentz model with a small perturbation of the quasi-neutrality constraint. Firstly, we present the two-fluid model and the motivations for introducing a small perturbation into the quasi-neutrality equation, then we describe the time semi-discretization of the perturbed model and a fully-discrete finite volume scheme based on it. Finally, we present some numerical results which have been obtained with this method.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J20, 35Q31, 35Q60, 65M06, 65M08, 65M12, 65N20, 76N17, 76W05, 76X05.


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