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A derivation of the Vlasov-Stokes system for aerosol flows from the kinetic theory of binary gas mixtures

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  • In this paper, we formally derive the thin spray equation for a steady Stokes gas (i.e. the equation consists in a coupling between a kinetic — Vlasov type — equation for the dispersed phase and a — steady — Stokes equation for the gas). Our starting point is a system of Boltzmann equations for a binary gas mixture. The derivation follows the procedure already outlined in [Bernard, Desvillettes, Golse, Ricci, Commun.Math.Sci., 15 (2017), 1703–1741] where the evolution of the gas is governed by the Navier-Stokes equation.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary:35Q20, 35B25;Secondary:82C40, 76T15, 76D07.


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