The Ensemble Kalman Filter method can be used as an iterative numerical scheme for parameter identification ornonlinear filtering problems. We study the limit of infinitely large ensemble size and derive the corresponding mean-field limit of the ensemble method. The solution of the inverse problem is provided by the expected value of the distribution of the ensembles and the kinetic equation allows, in simple cases, to analyze stability of these solutions. Further, we present a slight but stable modification of the method which leads to a Fokker-Planck-type kinetic equation. The kinetic methods proposed here are able to solve the problem with a reduced computational complexity in the limit of a large ensemble size. We illustrate the properties and the ability of the kinetic model to provide solution to inverse problems by using examples from the literature.
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Figure 3.
Elliptic problem - Test case 1 with
Figure 4.
Elliptic problem - Test case 1 with
Figure 5.
Elliptic problem - Test case 1. Left: spectrum of
Figure 6.
Elliptic problem - Test case 2 with
Figure 7.
Nonlinear problem. Top row: plots of the density estimation of the initial samples (left) and position of the samples at final iteration (right). Middle row: Marginals of
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