Regime | Kinetic model | Continuum flow model | |
Equilibrium flow | Boltzmann | Mass conservation law (LWR model) | |
Viscous flow | Diffusion equation | ||
Transitional | Extended hydrodynamic equations | ||
Rarefied | - | ||
Free molecular flow | Collision-less Boltzmann | - |
We study spatially non-homogeneous kinetic models for vehicular traffic flow. Classical formulations, as for instance the BGK equation, lead to unconditionally unstable solutions in the congested regime of traffic. We address this issue by deriving a modified formulation of the BGK-type equation. The new kinetic model allows to reproduce conditionally stable non-equilibrium phenomena in traffic flow. In particular, stop and go waves appear as bounded backward propagating signals occurring in bounded regimes of the density where the model is unstable. The BGK-type model introduced here also offers the mesoscopic description between the microscopic follow-the-leader model and the macroscopic Aw-Rascle and Zhang model.
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Figure 3.
Left: experimental flux diagram from measurements by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, reproduced by kind permission of Seibold et al. [46]. Right: comparison between experimental data and the flux diagram resulting from the model (4)-(6), with
Figure 5.
Propagation of a low density perturbation up to the final time
Figure 6.
Propagation of a high density perturbation up to the final time
Figure 7.
Propagation of a large perturbation up to the final time
Figure 11.
Evolution of a high density perturbation with the ARZ model. Top-left: density profile at different instants in time. Top-right: zoom of the density profile in the region where unstable waves occur. Bottom-left: speed profile at different instants in time. Bottom-right: density profile at final time
Figure 12. The right bottom panels show the sign of the diffusion coefficient (38) for the BGK-type model (30) with the closure provided by the homogeneous model in Section 2 and different pressure functions. Blue lines correspond to regimes where the coefficient is positive and red lines to regimes where it is negative
Table 1. Classification of flow regimes for the Boltzmann-type kinetic equation (1)
Regime | Kinetic model | Continuum flow model | |
Equilibrium flow | Boltzmann | Mass conservation law (LWR model) | |
Viscous flow | Diffusion equation | ||
Transitional | Extended hydrodynamic equations | ||
Rarefied | - | ||
Free molecular flow | Collision-less Boltzmann | - |
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