Symbol | Value | Symbol | Value | |
100 | ||||
The construction of feedback-like control fields for a kinetic model in phase space is investigated. The purpose of these controls is to drive an initial density of particles in the phase space to reach a desired cyclic trajectory and follow it in a stable way. For this purpose, an ensemble optimal control problem governed by the kinetic model is formulated in a way that is amenable to a Monte Carlo approach. The proposed formulation allows to define a one-shot solution procedure consisting in a backward solve of an augmented adjoint kinetic model. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
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Figure 6. Evolution of $ f $, starting with an initial Gaussian distribution and subject to the averaged control $ \bar{u} $. Time ordering as in Figure 1
Table 1. Numerical and physical parameters
Symbol | Value | Symbol | Value | |
100 | ||||
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Quiver plot of the calculated control. The solid ellipse is the curve
Evolution of
Control field and corresponding distribution of particles at final time using different values of the denoising parameter
Control field at final time for different values of the control weight
Averaged control
Evolution of