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  • Zhien Ma's love for mathematics has strongly shaped his educational pursuits. He received formal training from the strong Chinese School of Dynamical System over a period of two years at Peking University and during his later visit to Nanjing University where the internationally renowned professor Yanqian Ye mentored him. Yet, it is well known that Zhien's curiosity and love of challenges have made him his own best teacher. Hence, it is not surprising to see his shift from an outstanding contributor to the field of dynamical systems to a pioneer in the field of mathematical biology. Zhien's vision and courage became evident when he abandoned a promising career in pure mathematics and enthusiastically embraced a career in the field of mathematical biology soon after his first visit to the United States in 1985. His rapid rise to his current role as an international leader and premier mentor to 11 Ph.D. students has facilitated the placement of Chinese scientists and scholars at the forefront of research in the fields of mathematical, theoretical and computational biology.

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