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Asymptotic behavior of a delayed stochastic logistic model with impulsive perturbations

  • * Corresponding author: Sanling Yuan

    * Corresponding author: Sanling Yuan 
The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11271260,11671260), Innovation program of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee (13ZZ116), Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (No. XTKX2012), and the Hujiang Foundation of China (B14005).
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  • In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of a delayed logistic model with both impulsive and stochastic perturbations. The impulse is introduced at fixed moments and the stochastic perturbation is of white noise type which is assumed to be proportional to the population density. We start with the existence and uniqueness of the positive solution of the model, then establish sufficient conditions ensuring its global attractivity. By using the theory of integral Markov semigroups, we further derive sufficient conditions for the existence of the stationary distribution of the system. Finally, we perform the extinction analysis of the model. Numerical simulations illustrate the obtained theoretical results.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65C20, 65C30; Secondary: 92D25.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Trajectories of impulsive stochastic system (5) with different $\sigma$ and $b_k$. Here $(S(0), x(0))=(1, 1)$ and $E^*(x^*, y^*)=(1.0909, 1.8182)$. System (5) is asymptotically stable

    Figure 2.  Probability densities of $x(t)$ for system (5) based on $10000$ sample pathes, computed with the noise intensity $\sigma=0.03$, and for (a) differential initial value and (b) different iterative times. There exists stationary distribution and the density is stable

    Figure 3.  The dynamics of the system (5) with different $\sigma$. (a) The population $x(t)$ is extinct with $\sigma=0.8$. (c) The population $x(t)$ is persistent with $\sigma=0.1$

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