This work is devoted to the stabilization of parabolic systems with a finite-dimensional control subjected to a constant delay. Our main result shows that the Fattorini-Hautus criterion yields the existence of such a feedback control, as in the case of stabilization without delay. The proof consists in splitting the system into a finite dimensional unstable part and a stable infinite-dimensional part and to apply the Artstein transformation on the finite-dimensional system to remove the delay in the control. Using our abstract result, we can prove new results for the stabilization of parabolic systems with constant delay: the $ N $-dimensional linear reaction-convection-diffusion equation with $ N\geq 1 $ and the Oseen system. We end the article by showing that this theory can be used to stabilize nonlinear parabolic systems with input delay by proving the local feedback distributed stabilization of the Navier-Stokes system around a stationary state.
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