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Discrete heat transfer search for solving travelling salesman problem

  • * Corresponding author: Mohamed A. Tawhid

    * Corresponding author: Mohamed A. Tawhid
We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for constructive feedback and insightful suggestions which greatly improved this article. The research of the 2nd author is supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The postdoctoral fellowship of the 1st author is supported by NSERC.
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  • Within the academic circle the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), this is one of the most major NP-hard problems that have been a primary topic of discussion for years. Developing efficient algorithms to solve TSP have been the goal of many individuals, and so this has been addressed efficiently in this article. Here, a discrete heat transfer search (DHTS) is proposed to solve TSP. DHTS uses three distinct phases to update the city tours namely, conduction, convection, and radiation. Each phase performs a certain function as the conduction phase is a replica of the 2-Opt local search technique, the convection phase exchanges the random city with the finest city tour, and the radiation phase exchanges the random city among two separate city tours without compromising the basics of HTS algorithm. Bench test problems taken from TSPLIB successfully test the algorithm and demonstrate the fact that the proposed algorithm can attain results near the optimal values, and do so within an acceptable duration.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68R01, 68T20, 68W20, 90B15, 90C56.


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  • Figure 1.  Comparison of obtained best solutions with the known optimum solutions

    Figure 2.  Comparisons of mean value to the known best solutions

    Figure 3.  The percentage deviation for the mean and the best solutions

    Figure 4.  The Graphical representation of the comparisons between the proposed DHTS and DIWO [51]

    Table 1.  Results of the DHTS algorithm for symmetric TSP instances from TSPLIB

    TSP best worst mean std pDbest% pDavg% Optimal
    eil51 426 428 426.5 0.707107 0 0.117371 426
    berlin52 7542 7542 7542 0 0 0 7542
    st70 675 675 675 0 0 0 675
    pr76 108159 108159 108159 0 0 0 108159
    eil76 538 541 538.7 1.05935 0 0.130112 538
    kroA100 21282 21282 21282 0 0 0 21282
    kroB100 22141 22272 22181.2 48.6091 0 0.181564 22141
    kroC100 20749 20769 20751.4 6.310485 0 0.011567 20749
    kroD100 21294 21390.74 21329.86 40.56808 0 0.168416 21294
    kroE100 22068 22146.06 22099.21 33.72459 0 0.141432 22068
    eil101 629 641 631.1 3.928528 0 0.333863 629
    lin105 14379 14401 14381.2 6.957011 0 0.0153 14379
    pr107 44303 44387 44319.8 35.41751 0 0.037921 44303
    pr124 59030 59246 59083.6 62.49836 0 0.090801 59030
    bier127 118282 118728 118502 195.1689 0 0.185996 118282
    ch130 6111 6174 6138.7 15.78361 0.016367 0.469722 6110
    pr136 96830 97785 97341.6 290.5234 0.059935 0.5886 96772
    pr144 58537 58590 58544 17.02286 0 0.011958 58537
    ch150 6528 6555 6543.7 10.56251 0 0.240502 6528
    kroA150 26524 26670 26585.3 51.37671 0 0.231111 26524
    kroB150 26141 26239 26187.9 37.07485 0.042097 0.221584 26130
    pr152 73682 73818 73736.4 70.2301 0 0.073831 73682
    rat195 2332 2344 2337 3.972125 0.38743 0.602669 2323
    d198 15789 15867 15832 19.94437 0.057034 0.329531 15780
    kroA200 29375 29483 29418.6 39.05324 0.023835 0.172296 29368
    kroB200 29470 29618 29522.2 42.52529 0.112104 0.289432 29437
    ts225 126643 127077 126802.3 158.4326 0 0.125787 126643
    tsp225 3916 3940 3926.5 7.877535 0 0.268131 3916
    pr226 80369 80652 80443.9 101.4062 0 0.093195 80369
    gil262 2380 2401 2390.3 6.733828 0.084104 0.517241 2378
    pr264 49135 49382 49184 103.3054 0 0.099725 49135
    a280 2579 2608 2583.4 8.896941 0 0.170609 2579
    pr299 48266 48481 48323.7 71.55736 0.155631 0.275363 48191
    lin318 42171 42506 42351.1 112.7893 0.337862 0.766376 42029
    rd400 15400 15521 15447.4 43.6379 0.778745 1.088934 15281
    fl417 11876 11895 11886.9 6.590397 0.126465 0.218363 11861
    pr439 107682 107998 107733.6 95.59312 0.4337 0.481827 107217
    rat575 6845 6907 6855.2 18.37752 1.063044 1.213642 6773
    rat783 8941 8956 8946.7 4.715224 1.533046 1.597774 8806
    pr1002 262385 264241 263159.6 636.4372 1.289351 1.588373 259045
    nrw1379 57724 57950 57846.8 57.97662 1.917441 2.134256 56638
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    Table 2.  Comparison of average tours of DHTS with other state of the art algorithms for different TSP cases

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    Table 3.  Comparison of DHTS with neuro-immune network [34], GCGA with local search [48], Massutti and Castro's method [29], GSA ant-colony system with PSO [3], HGA [46], ACE [9] and improved BA [31]

    TSP Optimm DHTS neuro immune network(Pasti, & Castro, 2006) GCGA with local search(Yang et al., 2008) Massutti and Castro's method, (2009) GSA ant-colony system with PSO(Chen & Chien, 2011) HGA(Wang, 2014) ACE(Escario et al., 2015) improved BA(Osaba et al., 2016)
    eil51 426 426.5 438.7 430 437.47 427.27 429.19 426.818 428.1
    berlin52 7542 7542 8073.97 7932.5 7542 7544.37 7543.04 7542
    st70 675 675 678 677.39 676.418 679.1
    pr76 108159 108159 108942 108255.94 108251
    eil76 538 538.7 556.1 551 556.33 540.2 546.06 538.311 548.1
    kroA100 21282 21282 21868.47 21543 21522.73 21370.47 21312.45 21298.6 21445.3
    kroB100 22141 22181.2 22853.6 22542 22661.47 22282.87 22506.4
    kroC100 20749 20751.4 21231.6 21025 20971.23 20878.97 20812.22 21050
    kroD100 21294 21329.8626 22027.87 21809 21697.37 21620.47 21344.67 21593.4
    kroE100 22068 22099.2113 22815.5 22379 22715.63 22183.47 22349.6
    eil101 629 631.1 654.83 646 648.63 635.23 644.82 633.619 646.4
    lin105 14379 14381.2 14702.23 14544 14400.17 14406.37 14422.89 14385.5
    pr107 44303 44319.8 44909 44341.67 44793.8
    pr124 59030 59083.6 59141 59094.13 59412.1
    bier127 118282 118502 121780.33 120412 120886.33 119421.83
    ch130 6110 6138.7 6231.77 6282.4 6205.63 6130.277 6153.96
    pr136 96772 97341.6 99505 97019.291 99351.2
    pr144 58537 58544 58564 58537.22 58876.2
    ch150 6528 6543.7 6753.2 6738.37 6557.69 6550
    kroA150 26524 26585.3 27346.43 27298 27355.97 26899.2 26597.78
    kroB150 26130 26187.9 26752.13 26682 26631.87 26448.33 26335.85
    pr152 73682 73736.4 74582 73765.7 73766.8 74676.9
    rat195 2323 2337 2420 2356.02
    d198 15780 15832 16084 15963 15813.3
    kroA200 29368 29418.6 30257.53 29910 30190.27 29738.73 29458.809
    kroB200 29437 29522.2 30415.6 30627 30135 30035.23 29583.38
    ts225 126643 126802.3 128016 128295.65
    tsp225 3916 3926.5 3892.88
    pr226 80369 80443.9 80969 80534.39
    gil262 2378 2390.3 2515
    pr264 49135 49184 50344 49163.26 50908.3
    pr299 48191 48323.7 50812 49757.66 49674.1
    lin318 42029 42351.1 43704.97 44191 43696.87 43002.9 42877.24
    rd400 15281 15447.4 16420 16143.96
    fl417 11861 11886.9 12243
    pr439 107217 107733.6 113787 111209.97
    rat575 6773 6855.2 7125 7115.67 6933.87
    rat783 8806 8946.7 9326 9343.77 9079.23
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    Table 4.  DHTS comparison with DIWO [51]

    TSP PD % average
    DIWO (Zhou et al., 2015) Proposed DHTS
    eil51 0.6999 0.117371
    berlin52 0.0313 0
    st70 0.3125 0
    kroA100 0.0375 0
    kroB100 0.8816 0.181564
    pr107 0.4837 0.037921
    pr136 0.94 0.5886
    kroA150 0.778 0.231111
    kroB150 0.3229 0.221584
    d198 0.6691 0.329531
    tsp225 2.3949 0.268131
    pr226 0.2238 0.093195
    rd400 2.4229 1.088934
    pr1002 3.1873 1.588373
     | Show Table
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