MNIST | Training Errors | Test Errors | Sparsity |
Linear SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/9939 | 5/1967 | 654/785 |
Kernel SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/9939 | 4/1967 | 1760/9939 |
In this article, the classical support vector machine (SVM) classifiers are generalized by the non-Euclidean margins. We first extend the linear models of the SVM classifiers by the non-Euclidean margins including the theorems and algorithms of the SVM classifiers by the hard margins and the soft margins. Specially, the SVM classifiers by the $ \infty $-norm margins can be solved by the 1-norm optimization with sparsity. Next, we show that the non-linear models of the SVM classifiers by the $ q $-norm margins can be equivalently transferred to the SVM in the $ p $-norm reproducing kernel Banach spaces given by the hinge loss, where $ 1/p+1/q = 1 $. Finally, we illustrate the numerical examples of artificial data and real data to compare the different algorithms of the SVM classifiers by the $ \infty $-norm margin.
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Figure 6. The geometrical interpretation of the kernel tricks. In the original space, the data set is not linear separable, see Figure 6a. After the feature mapping using kernel function, the data set is linear separable in higher dimensional space, see Figure 6b. Finally, the decision boundary in higher dimensional space can be projected into the original space and becomes the non-linear boundary in the original space
Table 1.
The results of experiments on MNIST. The row Linear SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin is the result obtained by (9) where
MNIST | Training Errors | Test Errors | Sparsity |
Linear SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/9939 | 5/1967 | 654/785 |
Kernel SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/9939 | 4/1967 | 1760/9939 |
Table 2.
The results of experiments on Handwritten Alphabets Database. The row Linear SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin is the result obtained by (9) where
Handwritten Alphabets | Training Errors | Test Errors | Sparsity |
Linear SVM> classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/7000 | 69/3000 | 401/785 |
Kernel SVM classifier by ∞-norm margin | 0/7000 | 14/3000 | 1339/7000 |
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