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Prediction intervals of loan rate for mortgage data based on bootstrapping technique: A comparative study

  • *Corresponding author: Donglin Wang

    *Corresponding author: Donglin Wang 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(3) / Table(5) Related Papers Cited by
  • The prediction interval is an important guide for financial organizations to make decisions for pricing loan rates. In this paper, we considered four models with bootstrap technique to calculate prediction intervals. Two datasets are used for the study and $ 5 $-fold cross validation is used to estimate performance. The classical regression and Huber regression models have similar performance, both of them have narrow intervals. Although the RANSAC model has a slightly higher coverage rate, it has the widest interval. When the coverage rates are similar, the model with a narrower interval is recommended. Therefore, the classical and Huber regression models with bootstrap method are recommended to calculate the prediction interval.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Histogram of the noterate

    Figure 2.  Box-plot for Different $ R $ and Models for 1st Data

    Figure 3.  Box-plot for Different $ R $ and Models for 2nd Data

    Table 1.  Default parameters for robust models

    Models Parameters
    Huber epsilon=1.35 max_iter=100 alpha=0.0001 tol=0.00001
    RANSAC max_trials=100 stop_probability=0.99 loss='absolute_error'
    Theil Sen max_subpopulation=10000 max_iter=300 tol=0.001
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    Table 3.  Running time for the two datasets

    R values Model Running time (seconds)
    1st Dataset 2nd Dataset
    R=3000 Classical 103 104
    Huber 1176 1213
    RANSAC 4027 4069
    Theil Sen 2482 2720
    R=5000 Classical 170 172
    Huber 1981 2009
    RANSAC 6715 6779
    Theil Sen 4187 4587
    R=7000 Classical 238 238
    Huber 2737 2808
    RANSAC 9491 9480
    Theil Sen 5949 6507
    R=9000 Classical 304 322
    Huber 3517 3668
    RANSAC 12287 12289
    Theil Sen 7824 8549
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    Table 2.  Coverage rate for the two datasets

    R values Model Coverage rate
    1st Dataset 2nd Dataset
    R=3000 Classical 95.18% 94.88%
    Huber 95.05% 94.93%
    RANSAC 97.89% 97.91%
    Theil Sen 95.05% 94.93%
    R=5000 Classical 95.14% 94.84%
    Huber 94.91% 95.01%
    RANSAC 97.89% 97.99%
    Theil Sen 95.23% 94.97%
    R=7000 Classical 95.14% 94.93%
    Huber 94.95% 94.84%
    RANSAC 97.84% 97.91%
    Theil Sen 94.86% 94.97%
    R=9000 Classical 95.09% 94.93%
    Huber 95.09% 94.84%
    RANSAC 97.94% 98.08%
    Theil Sen 95.18% 94.88%
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    Table 4.  Tukey test of mean of the widths for the first dataset

    R value Model Difference of Mean P-value $ 95\% $ Confidence Interval
    R=3000 Classical vs Huber -0.0103 0.3012 (-0.0255, 0.0049)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.6364 0.0010 (0.6212, 0.6516)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0862 0.0010 (0.0710, 0.1014)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.6467 0.0010 (0.6315, 0.6619)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0966 0.0010 (0.0813, 0.1118)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5501 0.0010 (-0.5653, -0.5349)
    R=5000 Classical vs Huber -0.0099 0.3076 (-0.0246, 0.0048)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.6341 0.0010 (0.6194, 0.6488)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0871 0.0010 (0.0724, 0.1018)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.6440 0.0010 (0.6293, 0.6587)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0970 0.0010 (0.0823, 0.1117)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5470 0.0010 (-0.5617, -0.5323)
    R=7000 Classical vs Huber -0.0134 0.0866 (-0.0280, 0.0012)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.6348 0.0010 (0.6201, 0.6494)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0833 0.0010 (0.0687, 0.0979)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.6482 0.0010 (0.6335, 0.6628)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0967 0.0010 (0.0821, 0.1113)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5515 0.0010 (-0.5661, -0.5368)
    R=9000 Classical vs Huber -0.0151 0.0365 (-0.0295, -0.0007)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.6352 0.0010 (0.6207, 0.6496)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0843 0.0010 (0.0699, 0.0987)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.6503 0.0010 (0.6358, 0.6647
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0994 0.0010 (0.0850, 0.1138)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5509 0.0010 (-0.5653, -0.5364)
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    Table 5.  Tukey test of mean of the widths for the second dataset

    R value Model Difference of Mean P-value $ 95\% $ Confidence Interval
    R=3000 Classical vs Huber -0.0062 0.6138 (-0.0195, 0.0071)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.5572 0.0010 (0.5439, 0.5704)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0485 0.0010 (0.0353, 0.0618)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.5633 0.0010 (0.5501, 0.5766)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0547 0.0010 (0.0414, 0.0680)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5086 0.0010 (-0.5219, -0.4954)
    R=5000 Classical vs Huber -0.0002 0.9000 (-0.0131, 0.0127)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.5600 0.0010 (0.5471, 0.5729)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0484 0.0010 (0.0355, 0.0613)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.5602 0.0010 (0.5473, 0.5731)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0487 0.0010 (0.0357, 0.0616)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5116 0.0010 (-0.5245, -0.4986)
    R=7000 Classical vs Huber -0.0017 0.9000 (-0.0144, 0.0111)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.5609 0.0010 (0.5482, 0.5736)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0466 0.0010 (0.0338, 0.0593)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.5625 0.0010 (0.5498, 0.5753)
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0482 0.0010 (0.0355, 0.0609)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5143 0.0010 (-0.5270, -0.5016)
    R=9000 Classical vs Huber -0.0030 0.9000 (-0.0156, 0.0096)
    RANSAC vs Huber 0.5624 0.0010 (0.5498, 0.5750)
    Theil Sen vs Huber 0.0455 0.0010 (0.0329, 0.0581)
    RANSAC vs Classical 0.5654 0.0010 (0.5528, 0.5780
    Theil Sen vs Classical 0.0485 0.0010 (0.0359, 0.0611)
    Theil Sen vs RANSAC -0.5169 0.0010 (-0.5295, -0.5043)
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