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Multiplicative perturbation analysis for QR factorizations

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper is concerned with how the QR factors change when a real matrix $A$ suffers from a left or right multiplicative perturbation, where $A$ is assumed to have full column rank. It is proved that for a left multiplicative perturbation the relative changes in the QR factors in norm are no bigger than a small constant multiple of the norm of the difference between the perturbation and the identity matrix. One of common cases for a left multiplicative perturbation case naturally arises from the computation of the QR factorization. The newly established bounds can be used to explain the accuracy in the computed QR factors. For a right multiplicative perturbation, the bounds on the relative changes in the QR factors are still dependent upon the condition number of the scaled $R$-factor, however. Some ``optimized'' bounds are also obtained by taking into account certain invariant properties in the factors.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 15A23; 65F35.


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