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CVaR-based formulation and approximation method for stochastic variational inequalities

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  • In this paper, we study the stochastic variational inequality problem (SVIP) from a viewpoint of minimization of conditional value-at-risk. We employ the D-gap residual function for VIPs to define a loss function for SVIPs. In order to reduce the risk of high losses in applications of SVIPs, we use the D-gap function and conditional value-at-risk to present a deterministic minimization reformulation for SVIPs. We show that the new reformulation is a convex program under suitable conditions. Furthermore, by using the smoothing techniques and the Monte Carlo methods, we propose a smoothing approximation method for finding a solution of the new reformulation and show that this method is globally convergent with probability one.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C33; Secondary: 90C15.


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