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A note on monotone approximations of minimum and maximum functions and multi-objective problems

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In paper [12] the problem of accomplishing multiple objectives by a number of agents represented as dynamic systems is considered. Each agent is assumed to have a goal which is to accomplish one or more objectives where each objective is mathematically formulated using an appropriate objective function. Sufficient conditions for accomplishing objectives are formulated using particular convergent approximations of minimum and maximum functions depending on the formulation of the goals and objectives. These approximations are differentiable functions and they monotonically converge to the corresponding minimum or maximum function. Finally, an illustrative pursuit-evasion game example of a capture of two evaders by two pursuers is provided.
        This note presents a preview of the treatment in [12].
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 26D07, 34A40; Secondary: 34D20.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
  • [1]

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    D. M. Stipanović, C. J. Tomlin and G. LeitmannMonotone approximations of minimum and maximum functions and multi-objective problems, Submitted to Applied Mathematics & Optimization.

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