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Controlling delay differentiation with priority jumps: Analytical study

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Supporting different services with different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements is not an easy task in modern telecommunication systems: an efficient priority scheduling discipline is of great importance.~Fixed or static priority achieves maximal delay differentiation between different types of traffic, but may have a too severe impact on the performance of lower-priority traffic.~In this paper, we propose a priority scheduling discipline with priority jumps to control the delay differentiation.~In this scheduling discipline, packets can be promoted to a higher priority level in the course of time.~We use probability generating functions to study the queueing system analytically.~Some interesting mathematical challenges thereby arise.~With some numerical examples, we finally show the impact of the priority jumps and of the system parameters.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68M20, 60K25; Secondary: 90B22, 97I80.


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