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Performance evaluation for connection oriented service in the next generation Internet

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, the principle of connection oriented service in the next generation Internet is analyzed. Considering the finite capacity, a Geom/ G/1/K queueing model with Setup, Close Delay and Close Down is built based on the operating mechanism of the connection oriented service. By using the approach of embedded Markov chain and supplementary variable, this queueing model is analyzed. The probability distribution of the queue length and the Probability Generating Function (P.G.F.) of waiting time are derived under the steady state. Correspondingly, the performance measures in terms of average response time, blocking probability and system throughput of this connection oriented Internet service are given to describe the dependency relationships between these measures and the time length $T$ of the Close Delay timer mathematically. Both of the analytical results and the simulation results are provided to investigate and validate the influence of the system parameters on the system performance. The research work in this paper can provide theoretic bases for network design, network maintenance, network management and capacity design of the next generation network systems.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68M10, 68M20; Secondary: 60K25.


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