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Solutions of the Yang-Baxter matrix equation for an idempotent

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Let $A$ be a square matrix which is an idempotent. We find all solutions of the matrix equation of $AXA=XAX$ by using the diagonalization technique for $A$.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 15A18, 15A24; Secondary: 15A27.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
  • [1]

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    M. Jimbo, "Introduction to the Yang-Baxter equation,'' Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Physics II, World Scientific, (1994), 153-176.


    C. N. Yang, Some exact results for the many-body problem in one dimension with repulsive delta function interaction, Phys. Rev. Lett., 19 (1967), 1312-1315.doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.1312.


    C. N. Yang and M. L. Ge, "Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Physics II,'' World Scientific, 1994.

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