Citation: |
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M. Balas, R. Erwin and R. Fuentes, Adaptive control of persistent disturbances for aerospace structures, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Denver, CO, 2000. |
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M. Balas, S. Gajendar and L. Robertson, Adaptive tracking control of linear systems with unknown delays and persistent disturbances (or who you callin retarded?), Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Chicago, IL, Aug 2009. |
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M. Balas, J. Nelson, S. Gajendar and L. Robertson, Robust adaptive control of nonlinear systems with input/output delays, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Portland, OR, Aug 2011. |
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R. Fuentes and M. Balas, Robust model reference adaptive control with disturbance rejection, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, 2002. |
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J. Luna, Time delay systems and applications on satellite control, University of New Mexico/ARFL Space Vechicles, Tech. Rep. |
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J. Nelson, M. Balas and R. Erwin, Direct model reference adaptive control of linear systems with unknown time varying input/output delays, Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Aug 2012. |
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A. Seuret, Networked control under synchronization errors, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, 2008. |
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