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Modeling and identification of hybrid dynamic system in microbial continuous fermentation

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, a hybrid dynamic model using fuzzy expert system is investigated in the process of glycerol bioconversion to 1,3-PD by Klebsiella pneumoniae(K.pneumoniae). In continuous culture, we assume that 1,3-PD passes the cell membrane of K.pneumoniae by passive diffusion coupling with active transport. To determine the parameters of the proposed system, a parameter identification model is established according to the biological robustness. An optimization algorithm is developed in order to solve the identification model. Numerical simulations indicate that proposed hybrid model adding fuzzy system is more appropriate and the optimization algorithm is effective.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34K45, 49N25; Secondary: 49N90, 92C45.


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