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Modeling and identification of dynamical system with Genetic Regulation in batch fermentation of glycerol

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The background of this paper is the production of 1,3-PD by batch fermentation of glycerol, supposed that glycerol and 1,3-PD pass the cell membrane by passive diffusion with active transportation. We present a nonlinear enzyme-catalytic dynamical system with genetic regulation and our purpose is to identify these parameters in the dynamical system. Since the intracellular substance concentrations are immeasurable, we refer to the robustness definition of parameter disturbance in biological system, then we establish a parameter identification model. We prove the existence of the solution to the optimization model. At last, we get the parameters of dynamical systems by particle swarm algorithm. Numerical results show that the optimization algorithm is valid and the genetic regulations can help to understand the intracellular reaction process.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 93C30; Secondary: 37C75.


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