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Fused LASSO penalized least absolute deviation estimator for high dimensional linear regression

  • * Corresponding author: Lingchen Kong

    * Corresponding author: Lingchen Kong

This paper was prepared at the occasion of The 10th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA 2016), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 23-26,2016, with its Associate Editors of Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO) being Prof. Dr. Zhiyou Wu, School of Mathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China, Prof. Dr. Changjun Yu, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, and Shanghai University, China, and Prof. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

The work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11671029), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2016JBM081).
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(4) / Table(5) Related Papers Cited by
  • The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) has been playing an important role in variable selection and dimensionality reduction for high dimensional linear regression under the zero-mean or Gaussian assumptions of the noises. However, these assumptions may not hold in practice. In this case, the least absolute deviation is a popular and useful method. In this paper, we focus on the least absolute deviation via Fused LASSO, called Robust Fused LASSO, under the assumption that the unknown vector is sparsity for both the coefficients and its successive differences. Robust Fused LASSO estimator does not need any knowledge of standard deviation of the noises or any moment assumptions of the noises. We show that the Robust Fused LASSO estimator possesses near oracle performance, i.e. with large probability, the $\ell_2$ norm of the estimation error is of order $O(\sqrt{k(\log p)/n})$ . The result is true for a wide range of noise distributions, even for the Cauchy distribution. In addition, we apply the linearized alternating direction method of multipliers to find the Robust Fused LASSO estimator, which possesses the global convergence. Numerical results are reported to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65K05, 90C90; Secondary: 97K80.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Results of RFLASSO when $i = 2, \sigma = 0.001$

    Figure 2.  Results of FLASSO when $i = 2, \sigma = 0.001$

    Figure 3.  Results for RFLASSO when $i = 2, \sigma = 0.001$

    Figure 4.  Results for FLASSO when $i = 2, \sigma = 0.001$

    Table 1.  Iterative scheme of LADMM algorithm for RFLASSO

    LADMM Algorithm for RFLASSO
    Input: $X$ , $Y$ , $\tau$ , $\lambda_1>0, \lambda_2>0, \mu>0, \nu>0$ and $\eta>\rho(\mu X^TX+\nu A^TA)$ , where $\rho(\cdot)$ denotes the spectral radius.
    Select $(\beta^0, \gamma^0, \tau^0, \alpha^0, \theta^0)=(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)$ ;
    For $k=1, 2, \cdots, n $
               Compute $\beta^{k+1}$ by (23),
               Compute $\gamma^{k+1}$ by (24),
               Compute $\tau^{k+1}$ by (25),
               Update $\alpha^{k+1}=\alpha^k-\nu(A\beta^{k+1}-\gamma^{k+1})$ ,
               Update $\theta^{k+1}=\theta^k-\mu(y-X\beta^{k+1}-\tau^{k+1})$ .
    Output: $(\beta^n, \gamma^n, \tau^n, \alpha^n, \theta^n)$ as an approximate solution of (3).
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    Table 2.  $\rho(0.5X^TX+0.5A^TA)$ for design matrix with unit column norms

    i1 2 3 4
    $\sigma=0.001$ 5.246 5.289 5.324 5.344
    $\sigma=0.005$ 5.265 5.296 5.333 5.350
    $\sigma=0.01$ 5.273 5.301 5.342 5.356
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    Table 3.  The results for RFLASSO with size $(n, p, g) = (360i, 1280i, 160i)$

    i $\sigma$ Iter CPU Obj Error
    $i=1$ $\sigma=0.001$ 156 0.424 31.052 20.3164
    $\sigma=0.005$ 165 0.430 32.276 23.3330
    $\sigma=0.01$ 175 0.463 33.364 23.5509
    $i=2$ $\sigma=0.001$ 150 1.783 48.669 24.9877
    $\sigma=0.005$ 168 1.953 59.415 25.5110
    $\sigma=0.01$ 189 2.113 67.510 31.8536
    $i=3$ $\sigma=0.001$ 169 4.268 87.465 33.2984
    $\sigma=0.005$ 154 4.307 96.761 37.3335
    $\sigma=0.01$ 167 4.109 91.263 34.8521
    $i=4$ $\sigma=0.001$ 166 7.525 123.087 40.0416
    $\sigma=0.005$ 167 7.382 132.316 41.0560
    $\sigma=0.01$ 157 6.833 137.114 44.1079
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    Table 4.  Selected results for RFLASSO and FLASSO

    $\sharp{\{~|\widehat{\beta}_i|<0.1, ~i\in G^c}\}$ 2240 2240
    $\text{max}_{i\in G^c}|\widehat{\beta}_i|$ 0.0147 0.0153
    $\sharp{\{~|\widehat{\beta}_i-\beta^*_i|<0.1, ~i\in G}\}$ 320 320
    $\text{max}_{i\in G}|\widehat{\beta}_i-\beta^*_i|$ 0.1447 0.1365
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    Table 5.  Selected results for RFLASSO and FLASSO

    $\sharp{\{~|\widehat{\beta}_i|<0.1, ~i\in G^c}\}$ 2240 2372
    $\text{max}_{i\in G^c}|\widehat{\beta}_i|$ 0.0442 0.0997
    $\sharp{\{~|\widehat{\beta}_i-\beta^*_i|<0.1, ~i\in G}\}$ 320 188
    $\text{max}_{i\in G}|\widehat{\beta}_i-\beta^*_i|$ 0.1329 1.7218
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