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On a two-phase approximate greatest descent method for nonlinear optimization with equality constraints

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  • Lagrange multipliers are usually used in numerical methods to solve equality constrained optimization problems. However, when the intersection between a search region for a current point and the feasible set defined by the equality constraints is empty, Lagrange multipliers cannot be used without additional conditions. To cope with this condition, a new method based on a two-phase approximate greatest descent approach is presented in this paper. In Phase-Ⅰ, an accessory function is used to drive a point towards the feasible set and the optimal point of an objective function. It has been observed that for some current points, it may be necessary to maximize the objective function while minimizing the constraint violation function in a current search region in order to construct the best numerical iterations. When the current point is close to or inside the feasible set and when optimality conditions are nearly satisfied, the numerical iterations are switched to Phase-Ⅱ. The Lagrange multipliers are defined and used in this phase. The approximate greatest descent method is then applied to minimize a merit function which is constructed from the optimality conditions. Results of numerical experiments are presented to show the effectiveness of the aforementioned two-phase method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 49M15, 65K10; Secondary: 90C30, 90C90.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Level curves of an objective function $f(x_1,x_2) = x_1+x^{2}_2$ which is minimized and is subjected to an equality constraint $x_1^2+x_2^2 = 1$

    Figure 2.  Comparison of CPU time (second) between SQP and AGD

    Figure 3.  Comparison of number of iteration between SQP and AGD

    Table 1.  Comparison of SQP method and a two-phase AGD method (Parameters: $n$- number of variables, $m$-number of equations, $k$-number of iterations, $f(x^*)$-optimal value)

    Problem Dim. SQP Two-Phase AGD
    $n$ $m$ $k$ $f(x^*)$ CPU Time (second) $k$ $f(x^*)$ CPU Time (second)
    BT02 3 1 19 $3.26\times 10^{-2}$ 0.9631 14 $3.26\times 10^{-2}$ 0.3323
    BT03 5 3 8 $4.09\times 10^{0} $ 0.9505 10 $4.09\times 10^{0} $ 0.5181
    BT04 3 2 13 $-4.55\times 10^{1} $ 0.9631 7 $-4.55\times 10^{1} $ 0.3484
    BT05 3 2 7 $9.61\times10^{2}$ 0.9157 8 $9.61\times10^{2}$ 0.4478
    BT06 5 2 19 $2.77\times 10^{-1} $ 0.9415 9 $2.77\times 10^{-1} $ 0.3677
    BT09 4 2 12 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 1.0625 12 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.4392
    BT10 2 2 6 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.8608 10 $-1.00\times 10^{0}$ 0.2908
    BT11 5 3 11 $8.23\times 10^{-1} $ 0.9820 10 $8.23\times 10^{-1} $ 0.5528
    BT12 5 3 8 $6.19\times 10^{0} $ 0.9406 24 $6.19\times 10^{0} $ 0.6012
    HS06 2 1 9 $5.32\times 10^{-17} $ 0.8338 5 $3.84\times 10^{-10} $ 0.2483
    HS07 2 1 9 $-1.73\times 10^{0} $ 0.9611 9 $ -1.73\times 10^{0} $ 0.3172
    HS08 2 2 6 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.8552 5 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.2725
    HS26 3 1 49 $1.94\times 10^{-11} $ 1.0768 12 $ 1.71\times 10^{-6} $ 0.3273
    HS27 3 1 22 $4.00\times 10^{-2}$ 2.5163 12 $4.00\times 10^{-2}$ 0.3359
    HS28 3 1 9 $6.42\times 10^{-16}$ 0.9985 5 $2.81\times 10^{-8} $ 0.3426
    HS39 4 2 12 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.8979 12 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.3527
    HS40 4 3 6 $-2.50\times 10^{-1}$ 0.9206 3 $-2.50\times 10^{-1}$ 0.3657
    HS46 5 2 29 $5.11\times 10^{-11}$ 1.1155 8 $2.93\times 10^{-5}$ 0.4488
    HS48 5 2 9 $6.14\times 10^{-13}$ 0.8890 3 $3.12\times 10^{-12}$ 0.3000
    HS49 5 2 26 $2.36\times 10^{-9}$ 1.0728 10 $2.03\times 10^{-4}$ 0.4787
    HS50 5 3 14 $2.10\times 10^{-14}$ 0.8918 9 $4.68\times 10^{-15}$ 0.3810
    HS51 5 3 8 $7.39\times 10^{-17}$ 0.8689 4 $1.94\times 10^{-11}$ 0.3319
    HS52 5 3 8 $5.33\times 10^{0}$ 0.8330 10 $5.33\times 10^{0}$ 0.4217
    HS53 5 3 7 $4.09\times 10^{0}$ 0.9753 10 $4.09\times 10^{0}$ 0.4867
    HS61 3 2 11 $-1.44\times 10^{2}$ 0.8812 7 $-1.44\times 10^{2}$ 0.3707
    HS77 5 2 16 $2.42\times 10^{-1}$ 0.9192 11 $2.42\times 10^{-1}$ 0.4633
    HS79 5 3 12 $7.88\times 10^{-2}$ 0.8923 5 $7.88\times 10^{-2}$ 0.3731
    HS1001Lnp 7 2 16 $6.81\times 10^{2}$ 0.9920 11 $6.81\times 10^{2}$ 0.7957
    maratos 2 1 3 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.8387 2 $-1.00\times 10^{0} $ 0.2440
    mswright 5 3 19 $1.29\times 10^{0}$ 1.1139 13 $1.29\times 10^{0}$ 0.5045
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