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Differential evolution with improved sub-route reversal repair mechanism for multiobjective urban transit routing problem

  • * Corresponding author: Lai Soon LEE

    * Corresponding author: Lai Soon LEE

The first author is supported by FRGS2016 (01-01-16-1867FR)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(9) / Table(13) Related Papers Cited by
  • The urban transit routing problem (UTRP) deals with public transport systems in determining a set of efficient transit routes on existing road networks to meet transit demands. The UTRP is a complex combinatorial optimization problem characterized with a large search space, multi-constraint, and multiobjective nature where the likelihood of generating infeasible route sets is high. In this paper, an improved sub-route reversal repair mechanism is proposed to deal with the infeasibility. A population-based metaheuristic, namely, Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is then proposed to handle the multiobjective UTRP with the aim of devising an efficient transit route network that optimizes both passengers' and operators' costs. Computational experiments are performed on well-known benchmark instances to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed repair mechanism and the DE algorithm. The computational results are reported to have better parameter values in most cases when compared to other approaches in the literature.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B06, 90B10; Secondary: 65K05, 68W99.


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  • Figure 1.  A sample vector with 4 routes

    Figure 2.  Mandl's Swiss Network

    Figure 3.  Mumford Network

    Figure 4.  Best Route Network for Operator and Passenger with 4 Routes (see, Table 4)

    Figure 5.  Best Route Network for Operator and Passenger with 6 Routes (see, Table 4)

    Figure 6.  Best Route Network for Operator and Passenger with 7 Routes (see, Table 4)

    Figure 7.  Best Route Network for Operator and Passenger with 8 Routes (see, Table 4)

    Figure 8.  Approximate Pareto Fronts achieved by the proposed DE for Mandl's Swiss Network

    Figure 9.  Pareto Fronts achieved by the proposed DE for Mumford Network

    Table 3.  Comparison results (passenger and operator) of Mandl's Swiss network

    Number of Routes Para-meters Fan et al. (2009) Mumford (2013) Chew et al. (2013) Proposed DE
    1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
    4 $d_{0}$ 90.88 61.08 90.43 61.08 91.84 61.08 91.46 61.08
    $d_{1}$ 8.35 36.61 9.57 36.61 8.16 36.61 8.54 36.61
    $d_{2}$ 0.77 2.31 0.00 2.31 0.00 2.31 0.00 2.31
    $d_{un}$ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    $C_{p}$ 10.65 13.88 10.57 13.88 10.50 13.88 10.80 13.88
    $C_{o}$ 126 63 149 63 150 63 133 63
    6 $d_{0}$ 93.13 65.18 95.38 70.91 96.79 70.91 97.24 70.46
    $d_{1}$ 6.29 30.38 4.36 25.50 3.21 25.50 2.76 24.34
    $d_{2}$ 0.58 3.53 0.06 2.95 0.00 2.95 0.00 5.20
    $d_{un}$ 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00
    $C_{p}$ 10.49 13.82 10.27 13.48 10.21 13.48 10.16 12.60
    $C_{o}$ 148 63 221 63 224 63 223 63
    7 $d_{0}$ 92.55 64.42 96.47 65.13 98.01 70.65 97.37 68.96
    $d_{1}$ 6.68 26.20 3.34 22.93 1.99 21.13 2.63 26.29
    $d_{2}$ 0.77 8.16 0.19 10.34 0.00 7.13 0.00 3.92
    $d_{un}$ 0.00 1.22 0.00 1.61 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.83
    $C_{p}$ 10.44 14.13 10.22 14.25 10.16 13.76 10.21 13.46
    $C_{o}$ 166 63 264 63 239 63 235 63
    8 $d_{0}$ 91.33 55.17 97.56 57.93 99.04 61.91 98.20 60.76
    $d_{1}$ 8.67 21.97 2.31 31.92 0.96 29.67 1.80 25.63
    $d_{2}$ 0.00 18.11 0.13 9.70 0.00 6.87 0.00 10.34
    $d_{un}$ 0.00 4.75 0.00 0.45 0.00 1.54 0.00 3.26
    $C_{p}$ 10.45 15.45 10.17 14.45 10.11 14.22 10.31 14.78
    $C_{o}$ 245 63 291 63 256 63 244 63
    Note:     1. best results for passenger
              2. best results for operator
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    Table 1.  The parameters of benchmark instances

    Network Nodes Links Routes Min-Max Nodes Demand $LB_{Cp}$ $LB_{Co}$
    Mandl 15 21 4, 6, 7, 8 2 - 8 15,570 10.0058 63
    Mumford0 30 90 12 2 - 15 342,160 13.0121 94
    Mumford1 70 210 15 10 - 30 1,926,170 19.2695 345
    Mumford2 110 385 56 10 - 22 4,847,900 22.1689 864
    Mumford3 127 425 60 12 - 25 6,394,950 24.7453 982
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    Table 2.  The comparison of feasible route sets repaired by the four repair mechanisms

    Case Number of Routes Repair Mechanism Average Minimum Maximum CPU Time (sec)
    4 TR 47 34 68 0.013
    MSC 53 39 69 0.052
    SRR 56 47 68 0.040
    iSRR 79 44 86 0.031
    6 TR 149 133 170 0.029
    MSC 206 193 220 0.490
    SRR 169 157 181 0.032
    iSRR 232 198 254 0.023
    7 TR 201 184 219 0.029
    MSC 293 267 317 0.066
    SRR 223 210 234 0.025
    iSRR 312 296 335 0.029
    8 TR 231 207 250 0.02
    MSC 356 319 376 0.042
    SRR 265 242 284 0.025
    iSRR 358 324 382 0.004
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    Table 4.  Best route sets constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mandl's Swiss network

    Case Routes Best route sets for Passenger Best route sets for Operator
    4 0 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 8 14 - 8
    4 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 6 - 9 - 10 4 - 3 – 1 – 0
    0 – 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 6 10 - 9 - 6 - 14 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1
    9 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 11 - 10 - 12 - 13 11 - 10 - 12 - 13
    6 8 - 14 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 3 - 4 11 - 3
    4 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 8 13 - 12 - 10 - 9
    14 - 6 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 3 - 1 - 0 9 - 6 - 14 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 3
    8 - 14 - 6 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 1 - 0
    13 - 12 - 10 - 9 - 7 - 5 - 14 - 8 8 - 14
    12 - 10 - 11 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0 3 - 4
    7 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 – 7 - 9 - 13 - 12 0 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 6 - 9
    0 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 - 11 - 10 - 9 3 - 5
    1 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 12 - 13 4 – 3 - 1
    9 - 6 - 14 - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0 10 - 11
    0 - 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 8 14 – 8
    8 – 14 - 6 - 9 - 13 - 12 - 10 - 11 10 - 9
    8 - 14 - 7 – 5 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 11 10 - 12 - 13
    8 0 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 14 - 7 1 - 3
    0 – 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 8 10 - 11
    0 – 1 - 2 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 6 - 14 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 6 - 9 - 10 - 12
    11 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 14 - 6 - 9 14 - 8
    0 – 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 0 - 1
    13 – 12 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 14 - 8 3 - 4
    12 – 10 - 11 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0 5 - 2
    13 – 12 - 10 - 9 - 6 - 14 - 7 - 5 12 - 13
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    Table 5.  Comparison results (passenger and operator) of Large Mumford networks

    Instances Parameters Mumford (2013) Proposed DE
    1 2 1 2
    Mumford0 $d_{0}$ 63.20 18.42 65.41 16.99
    $d_{1}$ 35.82 23.40 34.24 30.72
    $d_{2}$ 0.98 20.78 0.35 28.92
    $d_{un}$ 0.00 37.40 0.00 23.38
    $C_{p}$ 16.05 32.40 15.27 33.41
    $C_{o}$ 759 111 673 107
    Mumford1 $d_{0}$ 36.6 16.35 38.77 22.39
    $d_{1}$ 52.42 29.06 54.23 40.57
    $d_{2}$ 10.71 29.92 5.12 34.33
    $d_{un}$ 0.26 24.66 1.88 2.71
    $C_{p}$ 24.79 34.69 23.16 31.15
    $C_{o}$ 2038 568 1955 567
    Mumford2 $d_{0}$ 30.92 13.76 31.47 15.32
    $d_{1}$ 51.29 27.69 58.23 29.31
    $d_{2}$ 16.36 29.53 9.60 31.08
    $d_{un}$ 1.44 29.02 0.70 24.29
    $C_{p}$ 28.65 36.54 27.28 34.52
    $C_{o}$ 5632 2244 5268 2305
    Mumford3 $d_{0}$ 27.46 16.71 28.12 25.42
    $d_{1}$ 50.97 33.69 54.35 41.26
    $d_{2}$ 18.76 29.18 16.84 24.91
    $d_{un}$ 2.81 20.42 0.69 8.41
    $C_{p}$ 31.44 36.92 30.16 34.81
    $C_{o}$ 6665 2830 6547 2732
    Note:     1. best results for passenger
              2. best results for operator
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    Table A1.  Best route sets for the operator constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford0 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 1-23-14-11-25- 0-17-22
    2 9 - 1 - 3
    3 0-12-8-26
    4 22-18-13-6
    5 19-18
    6 25-28-16-27-2-29-15-10
    7 20-14
    8 1 - 3
    9 3-24-4
    10 21 - 10
    11 20 - 7
    12 5 - 21
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    Table A2.  Best route sets for the passenger constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford0 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 20-24-7-28-17-11-25-22-18-19-12-8-26-0-13
    2 12-19-22-0-25-28-7-4-24-14-9-1-3-23-20
    3 12-19-8-26-0-18-17-11-14-9-3-1-23-20-24
    4 29-2-27-16-7-14-24-3-11-25-22-18-19-12-17
    5 27-10-15-21-5-6-13-18-12-19-22-17-0-26-8
    6 3-1-4-23-20-14-11-25-0-19-17-18-13-6-15
    7 19-8-26-0 -8-17-11-14-24-3-1-9-23-20-7
    8 26-0-22-19-12-18-17-28-16-10-29-2-15-21-5
    9 19-8-26-0-22-18-12-17-28-25-11-14-24-20-23
    10 0-13-6-2-15-16-7-14-24-3-23-2-4-1-9
    11 24-4-20-23-9-3-1-14-7-25-22-0-13-18-17
    12 13-18-12-17-19-0-25-11-14-23-9-1-24-4-7
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    Table A3.  Best route sets for the operator constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford1 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 22-33- 43-13-20-10-59-68-11-31
    2 18-32-37-67-27-25-4-40-46-7
    3 30-42-62-15-49-11-31-9-16-10
    4 21-63-30-24-42-15-49-26-16-10
    5 67-65-37-5-54-19-36-45-34-35
    6 28-56-8-26-49-1-16-55-20-10
    7 47-40-46-7-53-4-12-25-34-35
    8 12-41-34-35-6-21-63-24-30-26
    9 12-41-34-51-56-6-21-63-24-30
    10 57-25-34-58-64-52-20-17-50-23
    11 22-33-13-43-61-44- 60-14-2-50
    12 50-0-2-23-3-66-38-36-54-18
    13 15- 49-1-31- 9-16-10-52-64-58
    14 6-55-52- 64-35-51-8-10-17-50
    15 39-48-66-29-69-19-54-5-37-65
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    Table A4.  Best route sets for the passenger constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford1 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 48-69-38- 66-19- 65-54-5-37- 67-27-25-57-34-35-6-47-53-40-46-7-4-12- 41-58-33-50-2-0-23
    2 59-1-31-11- 68- 9- 49- 62- 42-30-26-16-10-17-50-2-0-69-48-29-3-66-18-65-67-27-12- 40-53-7
    3 27-25-34-51-35-58-64-52-20-55-8-26- 49-15-30-42-62-24-21- 6- 47-7- 46-40- 4-12-41-36-38-69
    4 63-24-21-30-15-49-9-11-1-16-55-20-10-28-56-51-57-58-33-43-61-60-44-14-2-50-23-3-48-29
    5 27-25-34-51-35-57-41-58-64-52-20-43-13-50-0-2-14-61-44-60-17-10-8-26-49-15-30-42-62-21
    6 5-8-34-35-57-41-51-8-56-28-8-26-62-15-49-1- 59-17-50-23-3-48-29-19-54-65-67-27-12-40-53
    7 45-36-38-69-29-19-18-54-5-65-37-32-39-48-3-23- 0-50-2-14-44-60-61-43-13-22-33-20-10-16
    8 57-58-64-52-55-10-28-8-56-6-47-7-46-40-4-25-34-51-41-36-54-18-39-48-66-19-69-0-50-33
    9 18-65-54-5-67-27-12-41-34-45-36-38-66-29-69-23-0-50-13-43-61-60-44-17-55-8-52-64-51-56
    10 26-8-51-64-52-55-16-10-28-56-6-47-53-7-4-25-34-58-33-50-2-14-61-43-13-22-19-3-66-69
    11 52-20-17-43-13-33-58-64-35-41-27-25-34-45-22-36-54-19-69-0-50-23-3-48-39-65-32-18-66
    12 49-1-16-10-59-68-9-31-11-15-62-42-24-63-6-35-41-36-19-66-48-3-38-69-23-50-17-55-8-52
    13 10-52-64-58-57-25-12-27-67-37-18-66-3-29-48-39-65-32-54-38-69-23-50-17-61-60-44-14-2-0
    14 25-4-7-46-40-47-6-56-51-58-33-43-61-60-44-14-2-23-29-66-19-65-37-5-54-36-45-34-41-27
    15 49-15-30-24-62-26-1-9-68-11-59-17-43-13-33-58-64-35-41-34-57-51-8-55-20-10-28-56-6-21
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    Table A5.  Best route sets for the operator constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford2 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 85-54-34-35-91-52-100-18-9-19
    2 17-50-32-95-20-68-21-13-32-59
    3 47-41-16-103-7-52-89-11-79-72
    4 31-24-85-94-101-55-87-56-39-65
    5 102-71-51-46-86-28-21-32-17-20
    6 77-4-107-5-11-89-96-42-106-57
    7 36-72-108-4-107-77-5-42-89-11-106-73
    8 77-4-108-79-72-44-82-99-76-31
    9 27-17-39-55-80-63-12-74-47-103
    10 20-32-50-68-59-27-94-83-35-49
    11 24-6-94-105-27-32-13-21-86-28
    12 34-54-22-3-93-100-52-10-40-7
    13 15-35-34-66-18-92-72-108-36-64
    14 64-36-4-107-77-5-11-109-89-42
    15 109-64-96-64-92-9-3-81-94-105
    16 77-5-107-36-48-79-73-106-57-37
    17 101-94-83-15-2-63-45-53-90-49
    18 30-44-43-72-79-73-106-57-40-10
    19 3-22-54-85-66-15-83-35-8-90
    20 15-35-49-52-89-106-42-57-10-37
    21 56-0-78-17-65-61-1-97-58-47
    22 0-97-80-55-39-65-61-1-0-87
    23 39-56-61-65-78-95-50-20-68-75
    24 17-65-39-87-45-53-12-38-80-63
    25 58-80-87-56-1-97-0-65-78-17
    26 25-84-37-40-57-10-70-104-7-49
    27 105-81-6-66-34-35-8-62-12-8
    28 47-41-16-60-12-8-63-55-39-78
    29 84-70-41-104-40-37-7-57-42-96
    30 34-54-3-9-93-98-67-18-66-15
    31 91-62-90-53-8-12-41-60-47-16
    32 74-58-80-63-2-45-38-53-8-49
    33 20-32-50-95-78-65-61-1-87-45
    34 77-107-108-79-64-92-9-19-85-3
    35 102-14-69-99-82-23-31-71-88-51
    36 109-64-89-106-11-42-5-36-107-77
    37 17-32-21-86-51-71-31-76-33-99
    38 58-80-63-53-90-91-52-10-57-7
    39 60-41-70-104-37-7-49-90-8-12
    40 67-98-18-93-9-92-44-43-29-26
    41 85-22-3-81-6-24-31-23-82-19
    42 51-71-102-76-33-31-24-6-54-22
    43 24-31-76-14-69-99-82-26-43-30
    44 90-8-63-53-62-12-16-41-74-38
    45 34-54-3-81-6-24-31-71-102-88
    46 101-27-32-20-75-50-13-28-86-24
    47 108-36-48-44-72-26-29-43-30-69
    48 17-50-75-68-13-32-59-27-95-20
    49 62-90-91-35-34-3-85-24-22-66
    50 24-6-54-85-66-15-83-2-35-90
    51 48-36-108-4-77-5-42-73-109-89
    52 65-78-17-20-50-68-59-28-46-21
    53 81-6-94-2-63-8-90-35-49-91
    54 36-64-73-89-52-49-35-34-18-93
    55 17-39-55-45-2-94-83-35-90-91
    56 36-72-108-4-107-77-5-11-73-96
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    Table A6.  Best route sets for the passenger constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford2 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 96-11-73-89-42-5-36-107-48-79-64-92-9-66-18-3-98-67-100-93-34
    2 90-53-38-12-62-91-52-100-18-3-98-93-67-92-72-44-82-19-33-14-31
    3 77-5-36-108-4-107-48-92-64-109-11-73-96-42-89-52-100-18-9-19-102-88
    4 26-72-36-79-108-4-107-5-11-106-57-37-104-7-49-35-15-54-6-86-46-21
    5 26-30-44-72-36-48-108-4-77-5-11-73-64-89-52-91-62-12-60-58-80
    6 21-59-27-17-50-32-95-68-13-28-86-81-3-22-85-19-82-23-9-92-44-72
    7 88-71-51-31-24-6-22-3-34-18-67-100-93-35-8-90-62-103-70-10
    8 77-5-11-73-109-89-96-64-36-79-108-4-107-48-92-44-82-19-24-86-28-46
    9 67-100-93-98-18-3-54-24-19-85-22-66-9-92-72-79-73-96-42-11-89-52
    10 84-25-70-103-12-41-74-58-38-80-55-87-39-0-61-65-56-17-50-32-95-78
    11 21-32-13-68-50-17-39-55-63-12-103-70-7-52-100-18-9-19-82-44-48-107
    12 29-26-44-92-72-36-79-73-89-52-49-90-91-8-53-38-87-55-45-2-35-15
    13 69-99-33-19-82-44-72-92-18-66-34-35-91-100-52-10-40-57-106-73-79
    14 50-13-21-86-81-105-83-3-9-92-64-36-4-107-77-5-11-109-89-42-96-73
    15 35-15-83-34-54-6-81-86-28-13-68-17-27-94-101-55-87-56-39-65-61
    16 74-60-47-58-97-80-38-87-56-17-78-39-65-50-20-75-68-95-59-27-105-94
    17 79-64-73-109-11-106-89-96-42-57-10-70-84-104-40-25-7-49-35-83-94-27
    18 24-85-22-3-67-18-93-9-19-23-82-33-31-51-46-21-32-17-39-55-63-12
    19 74-60-47-58-97-80-38-12-63-53-62-90-49-52-89-64-36-4-107-77
    20 84-7-10-70-104-25-40-37-57-42-106-73-89-109-11-79-36-108-72-92-18-66
    21 90-53-8-91-35-2-15-34-93-67-3-66-18-9-92-44-82-33-31-51-46-21
    22 83-105-94-6-81-85-24-86-28-21-27-101-55-87-56-65-50-75-17-78-0-1
    23 28-13-50-65-56-0-87-97-80-45-38-58-47-103-12-63-55-39-17-50-68
    24 96-64-109-11-5-42-57-106-73-89-52-91-90-35-93-98-18-9-19-33-76
    25 89-42-106-57-37-104-7-49-35-15-54-6-86-24-19-82-44-72-79
    26 22-85-54-6-66-18-9-19-3-81-86-51-71-88-102-76-69-30-26-82-33-31
    27 96-89-109-73-42-106-11-64-79-48-92-67-3-93-100-18-9-19-33-14-102
    28 23-82-26-72-92-48-108-5-77-4-36-64-89-52-49-90-8-53-38-63-80-58
    29 101-55-39-87-80-0-56-65-78-17-95-59-21-86-51-102-76-69-30-43-29-26
    30 22-85-54-6-66-18-100-93-98-67-3-34-35-90-8-62-12-38-80-55-101-27
    31 62-53-38-58-80-55-39-78-95-17-27-94-101-55-87-56-39-65-61
    32 36-48-92-44-82-23-9-3-83-2-45-87-38-53-90-49-52-89-64-109-73-89
    33 106-11-73-96-42-5-77-4-107-108-48-92-64-79-72-43-44-82-19-24-86-21
    34 62-91-52-100-18-98-93-35-34-66-6-24-31-23-9-19-102-88-71-51-46
    35 47-62-103-12-38-58-97-1-61-56-65-78-95-27-94-85-19-82-26-30-44
    36 50-95-78-17-68-59-27-94-83-35-49-52-89-106-73-79-72-44-82-99-76
    37 9-3-66-85-22-3-93-100-52-10-70-16-74-58-97-0-61-1-87-38-53
    38 36-48-92-67-3-15-83-34-66-18-93-9-19-33-76-31-24-6-94-101-55-39
    39 66-85-6-81-86-46-28-21-13-32-20-95-17-27-94-105-83-35-8-62-91
    40 107-77-4-36-5-42-11-96-73-106-57-40-7-103-12-63-55-39-17-50-68
    41 100-18-67-93-9-92-72-36-4-77-5-107-108-79-48-44-30-43-26-82-19-24
    42 62-91-52-100-18-98-93-35-34-66-6-24-54-3-19-33-99-69-30-29-43
    43 83-15-35-90-49-91-62-12-103-70-10-52-100-93-3-22-85-66-34-35
    44 2-83-3-34-54-66-6-94-105-81-86-46-21-68-20-32-13-28-59-95-27-101
    45 86-6-54-22-3-9-19-23-33-99-69-14-76-31-24-85-94-101-55-39-87-1-97
    46 69-43-29-26-44-92-18-9-19-102-88-71-51-86-21-59-95-78-0-1
    47 52-100-91-8-35-15-2-34-66-3-67-98-93-9-18-92-64-109-73-79-72
    48 24-6-54-22-66-85-3-98-67-92-44-43-69-30-26-82-33-31-51-46-21-32
    49 57-42-96-11-79-36-5-107-77-4-108-48-44-26-82-19-24-86-21-13-32-59
    50 75-68-21-32-50-65-56-61-0-80-63-45-2-15-18-92-48-107-77-5-11-89
    51 17-68-59-32-95-27-94-83-35-15-3-9-18-100-52-10-70-41-12-63-55-39
    52 38-80-45-87-56-61-0-1-97-58-60-12-62-91-52-89-64-36-107-48-72-26
    53 71-88-51-102-33-99-14-69-30-29-43-72-79-73-106-57-37-104-41-12-63-55
    54 15-34-54-85-3-93-67-98-18-66-22-31-23-9-19-102-88-51-86-21-27-101
    55 33-19-3-34-66-93-100-52-89-109-73-11-42-96-64-92-9-3-81-94-105-27
    56 41-16-47-74-58-80-55-87-0-1-61-65-39-55-101-94-81-85-24-19-33-76
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    Table A7.  Best route sets for the operator constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford3 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 122-94-27-118-46-11-0-101-26-126-92-85-20-50-76-19-13-83
    2 29-36-24-87-61-102-108-115-3-96-78-114-23-2-37
    3 99-48-79-0-7-40-44-82-88-39
    4 35-91-82-95-13-83-50-92-76-20
    5 105-42-89-31-39-88-82-40-50-76
    6 66-53-23-2-48-126-92-83-13-19
    7 38-25-88-121-125-91-82-40-50-20
    8 81-9-66-80-29-122-52-51-54-30
    9 81-27-94-29-5-36-58-104-43-28
    10 107-12-3-96-71-100-14-106-108-102
    11 82-116-101-0-48-2-49-72-9-5
    12 105-42-43-104-59-113-90-103-98-17
    13 27-94-122-29-36-80-5-24-87-110-68-34-56
    14 105-42-89-31-39-88-82-40-50-13
    15 116-120-7-11-0-77-67-1-27-29
    16 105-58-36-5-24-117-86-109-69-10-4-18
    17 81-94-29-9-66-53-23-2-79-0
    18 44-65-50-83-13-95-123-35-91-25-38-54-51-47
    19 85-20-92-126-48-79-0-101-88-121
    20 60-55-99-73-6-112-62-16-114-78-71-100-14-108-61-106
    21 81-29-80-63-105-42-28-103-43-104-18-10
    22 15-3-96-100-12-78-114-74-23-72-124
    23 31-38-52-27-1-77-67-46-39-25
    24 74-49-124-70-66-9-29-5-24-117
    25 48-26-93-44-40-65-116-82-88-39
    26 122-94-29-27-67-11-79-48-97-2
    27 102-108-115-106-61-53-23-2-48-73
    28 92-76-20-85-75-60-73-6-32-45
    29 83-13-95-123-35-91-25-38-54-51
    30 98-42-104-105-63-36-5-24-87-61-115-3-12-56
    31 38-31-54-51-52-118-27-122-29-80-66-124-9
    32 23-2-11-1-118-52-51-47-31-54
    33 57-21-8-119-22-30-41-33-31-38-52-122
    34 99-48-79-2-74-66-80-5-24-86
    35 84-68-3-71-96-78-100-14-61-102
    36 102-87-84-68-34-56-15-12-3-115-61-14-72-66
    37 81-27-29-94-122-52-51-54-30-38
    38 72-124-70-66-9-80-63-105-104-18-69-103-109-10-86
    39 43-105-104-59-89-31-38-25-91-35
    40 110-84-68-56-15-12-107-3-100-14
    41 94-29-36-5-63-105-42-98-90-17
    42 81-1-67-11-0-120-44-40-65-95
    43 9-29-80-66-74-114-78-3-56-34
    44 2-79-11-46-39-25-41-8-35-21
    45 103-28-64-111-69-10-109-4-43-90-113-42
    46 97-79-48-2-23-53-61-87-84-110
    47 66-70-72-49-2-79-0-101-88-91
    48 81-27-94-122-52-51-54-30-31-39
    49 43-90-59-42-104-18-109-10-86-117-24-5-58-105
    50 9-29-80-66-74-114-2-11-46-39
    51 84-87-110-68-12-107-15-3-71-96-78-114-74-37-79-11-7-101-26
    52 0-48-79-2-49-66-80-29-122-52
    53 111-64-4-18-103-109-43-17-89-52
    54 122-94-29-36-5-58-104-59-113-90
    55 27-81-67-46-39-31-54-51-47-31
    56 0-48-79-2-49-72-9-63-105-43
    57 31-39-88-82-40-92-76-20-19-85
    58 98-113-59-90-103-69-10-18-117-86
    59 55-60-112-6-45-73-126-48-0-77-1-118
    60 109-86-117-18-10-4-43-42-89-31
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    Table A8.  Best route sets for the passenger constructed by the proposed DE algorithm for Mumford3 network

    Routes Sequence of Routes
    1 23-114-16-62-112-6-73-48-26-7-40-82-44-93-88-39-46-1-118-27-29-5-24-87-110
    2 27-118-67-81-80-70-72-74-2-23-37-97-11-7-40-50-13-19-85-75-20-32-60-73-48
    3 12-3-78-114-74-23-37-2-11-46-39-30-22-21-35-91-25-38-31-89-59-104-58-63-5
    4 46-1-11-2-74-49-66-14-100-12-56-15-3-78-114-16-55-60-32-20-85-19-13-83-92
    5 57-8-21-125-22-41-30-39-46-11-2-74-23-53-61-108-102-24-5-63-36-9-80-81-67
    6 17-98-113-89-31-39-88-93-44-40-95-65-50-20-19-32-45-60-6-73-126-92-76-85-75
    7 41-33-54-31-89-59-104-43-105-63-80-66-74-114-16-112-60-73-48-2-23-53-61-102-87
    8 13-92-85-75-60-55-45-73-48-2-49-72-9-63-105-43-69-10-86-24-102-61-14-100-78
    9 102-106-115-61-14-100-71-3-96-78-114-23-37-74-2-79-0-120-65-101-88-82-40-92-85
    10 29-81-94-122-52-27-67-46-118-1-11-0-48-73-60-75-20-50-40-82-91-125-22-8-21
    11 63-36-80-66-49-124-23-72-9-5-24-102-61-87-84-68-56-12-107-3-96-100-71-78-114
    12 86-10-69-111-28-64-98-90-103-43-42-89-31-39-88-82-40-50-76-20-75-85-19-13-83
    13 27-94-122-29-36-80-5-24-87-110-68-34-56-3-78-114-2-79-0-101-88-121-125-123-91
    14 111-64-103-69-109-10-18-104-58-63-9-72-49-2-97-48-79-11-67-27-29-5-24-87-110
    15 70-9-81-27-1-11-2-74-23-53-61-106-108-102-24-5-29-122-52-51-54-30-31-39-88
    16 102-24-5-29-27-1-46-39-25-41-57-22-125-21-8-35-91-121-88-101-7-120-116-93
    17 63-36-9-72-23-37-74-114-2-97-0-48-26-101-88-125-21-119-22-30-39-46-11-7-65
    18 35-8-22-119-21-125-121-25-91-123-95-65-7-11-2-114-78-12-100-14-66-80-29-94-81
    19 39-46-11-2-23-53-14-106-108-61-102-87-110-84-56-15-107-3-78-71-96-100-12-68-34
    20 70-72-124-49-2-74-66-9-63-80-36-5-29-122-27-1-67-11-77-0-120-26-7-40-50
    21 9-72-66-53-23-114-2-11-26-7-101-120-116-95 40 44 82 65 50 76 85 75 20 32 126
    22 62-16-55-6-73-48-97-2-23-74-72-66-14-108-115-3-78-71-96-100-12-56-15-107
    23 74-49-23-72-66-70-9-5-24-36-29-27-67-46-118-122-52-38-30-22-119-8-41-25-88
    24 105-58-63-36-24-102-61-115-106-14-108-87-84-110-68-56-15-107-3-96-100-12-78-114-2
    25 47-51-89-113-59-42-104-43-105-63-80-66-74-114-16-112-60-73-48-2-23-53-61-102-87
    26 96-71-78-12-68-84-56-3-100-14-61-87-106-115-108-102-24-5-58-104-43-98-42-89-31
    27 102-87-84-68-34-56-15-12-3-115- 61-14-72-66-53-23-114-16-62-112-6-73-48-26-101
    28 23-72-124-66-9-80-63-105-58-104-18-117-24-87-110-68-3-78-114-16-55-60-32-20-85
    29 107-15-3-96-71-78-114-2-37-97-0-7-11-1-81-80-66-14-100-12-56-34-68-84-87
    30 1-77-11-2-37-79-48-26-120-65-116-50-83-13-92-20-32-60-55-16-114-78-3-68-110
    31 56-34-68-84-110-87-106-108-61-102-24-117-86-18-69-43-98-113-90-17-42-104-58-36-5
    32 79-37-74-114-78-71-100-12-68-34-56-15-3-115-61-102-24-5-58-104-43-98-42-89-31
    33 82-91-25-39-46-118-1-11-0-77-67-27-52-51-89-113-17-59-90-42-43-98-64-103-28
    34 56-34-68-12-107-15-3-100-14-72-70-9-36-80-81-122-27-1-11-0-120-26-7-40-50
    35 33-38-25-91-121-88-101-93-7-26-40-82-116-44-95-123-35-8-119-22-30-39-46-11-2
    36 43-90-59-113-98-103-4-10-117-24-5-58-63-80-66-124-72-23-37-74-49-2-48-73-60
    37 7-93-120-116-40-44-65-95-13-76-85-19-32-75-60-73-48-0-11-1-118-52-89-17-64
    38 107-3-56-15-12-78-71-100-14-108-87-106-115-61-102-24-36-9-72-66-53-23-2-79-0
    39 7-0-48-79-2-23-53-61-87-110-68-3-78-114-16-55-60-32-20-85-92-40-82-88-39
    40 9-72-66-53-23-114-2-11-26-7-101-120-116-50-83-92-76-85-19-32-60-6-73-48-126
    41 117-10-86-24-5-9-72-66-53-23-114-78-96-71-100-14-106-87-108-115-3-107-15-56-34
    42 32-75-60-73-48-0-11-1-118-52-89-17-98-90-42-104-58-63-80-70-72-49-66-9-124
    43 107-3-71-78-100-14-72-23-53-61-108-115-106-102-24-5-9-63-58-104-59-17-89-31-39
    44 41-57-22-125-121-25-88-101-116-82-65-40-26-120-7-0-97-37-79-48-2-11-46-39-30
    45 29-122-27-118-52-38-39-88-101-93-116-82-40-92-85-19-13-50-20-75-60-55-99-48-0
    46 5-80-63-36-29-81-9-124-49-72-70-66-14-100-3-107-12-56-68-110-84-87-61-115-108
    47 5-63-9-29-81-1-77-11-2-97-37-23-74-49-124-70-80-36-24-117-10-69-103-111-28
    48 29-122-27-118-52-38-39-88-101-93-116-82-65-7-0-11-1-81-80-63-58-104-59-89-31
    49 95-116-93-101-88-121-25-38-52-122-27-67-1-46-11-79-48-0-97-37-23-53-66-14-100
    50 124-23-53-14-66-70-80-9-63-58-36-29-81-27-1-11-2-74-114-78-3-56-34-68-12
    51 40-50-76-19-20-75-60-112-55-45-6-73-99-48-0-77-1-81-80-63-58-104-59-89-31
    52 81-122-29-27-1-67-46-11-77-0-97-37-23-114-74-72-9-36-24-86-10-69-103-4-43
    53 62-16-55-60-45-112-32-19-85-75-20-92-126-48-0-101-116-82-95-65-7-11-2-114-78
    54 27-29-5-58-105-63-9-124-66-72-74-2-114-78-12-107-3-100-14-53-61-87-84-110-68
    55 66-53-23-114-16-55-112-45-6-73-99-48-2-49-72-9-5-24-117-18-10-86-109-4-64
    56 8-22-125-123-35-91-88-101-0-79-2-114-78-3-15-56-34-68-110-84-87-61-14-108-106
    57 107-15-12-78-96-71-3-56-68-84-87-106-115-108-102-61-14-53-23-2-11-46-39-30-22
    58 84-110-68-34-56-3-71-78-114-74-49-23-2-79-0-101-88-91-123-125-22-8-41-25-38
    59 78-96-3-56-15-12-100-14-108-61-115-106-87-102-24-5-80-70-9-72-49-2-48-73-60
    60 112-60-6-73-99-55-16-114-78-3-71-96-100-12-68-56-84-87-24-5-29-122-52-38-30
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