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Homotopy method for matrix rank minimization based on the matrix hard thresholding method

  • * Corresponding author: wxzhu@fzu.edu.cn

    * Corresponding author: wxzhu@fzu.edu.cn

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61672005

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  • Based on the matrix hard thresholding method, a homotopy method is proposed for solving the matrix rank minimization problem. This method iteratively solves a series of regularization subproblems, whose solutions are given in closed form by the matrix hard thresholding operator. Under some mild assumptions, convergence of the proposed method is proved. The proposed method does not depend on a prior knowledge of exact rank value. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed homotopy method weakens the affection of the choice of the regularization parameter, and is more efficient and effective than the existing sate-of-the-art methods.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 15A29, 65F10, 90C27.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 4.  Numerical results on random uniform matrices with size $ m = n = 500 $ and sampling ratio $ \tau = 0.5. $

    r=5 r=10
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 50 6.71 5 9.22E-06 50 13.61 10 2.66E-05
    PD 50 24.08 5 7.70E-05 50 33.65 10 8.96E-05
    HIHT 50 19.37 5 5.33E-05 50 16.12 10 4.78E-05
    r=30 r=50
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 0 43.74 16.6 3.80E-02 - - - -
    PD 50 39.55 30 7.42E-05 50 53.83 50 1.00E-04
    HIHT 50 36.34 30 3.52E-05 50 47.36 50 9.93E-06
    r=70 r=90
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA - - - - - - - -
    PD 50 87.17 70 1.51E-04 50 294.05 90 2.38E-04
    HIHT 50 70.3 70 6.31E-05 50 82.79 90 2.02E-04
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    Table 1.  Influence of the regularization parameter $ \lambda $

    $ \eta $ IHT HIHT
    NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    50 4 122.43 38.56 1.29E-01 50 35.33 40 1.17E-05
    20 50 18.83 40.00 5.82E-05 50 19.86 40 1.17E-05
    10 47 23.69 40.06 2.52E-03 50 23.25 40 1.38E-05
    5 0 52.92 227.10 6.33E-01 0 45.41 227.72 6.34E-01
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    Table 2.  Influence of maximum number of inner iterations on Algorithm 2

    $ step $ NS time rank rel.err.
    5 50 16.72 40 4.35E-05
    10 50 18.13 40 2.09E-05
    20 50 18.97 40 1.35E-05
    30 50 19.29 40 1.16E-05
    40 50 19.27 40 1.16E-05
    50 50 19.24 40 1.17E-05
    60 50 19.72 40 1.01E-05
    70 50 19.71 40 1.02E-05
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    Table 3.  Numerical results on random Gaussian matrices with size $ m = n = 500 $ and sampling ratio $ \tau = 0.5 $

    r=5 r=10
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 50 4.69 5 1.24E-06 50 5.19 10 2.90E-06
    PD 50 95.92 5 5.92E-05 50 102.83 10 8.54E-05
    HIHT 50 10.91 5 7.49E-05 50 12.54 10 7.02E-05
    r=30 r=50
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 50 5.78 30 1.44E-05 50 255.32 50 1.61E-04
    PD 50 102.38 30 9.40E-05 50 106.19 50 1.50E-04
    HIHT 50 18.57 30 6.63E-05 50 24.13 50 2.67E-05
    r=70 r=90
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 50 279.55 70 2.23E-04 50 332.90 90 2.71E-04
    PD 50 164.06 70 1.78E-04 50 471.48 90 2.51E-04
    HIHT 50 38.23 70 5.01E-05 50 84.32 90 2.08E-04
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    Table 5.  Computational results on random Gaussian (or uniform) matrices with size $ m = n = 4000 $, $ r = 200 $, and sampling ratio $ \tau = 0.3. $

    Gaussian matrix uniform matrix
    Alg. NS time rank rel.err. NS time rank rel.err.
    FPCA 50 284.36 200 8.28E-05 0 1887.44 1.06 2.35E-02
    PD 50 13232.85 200 1.02E-04 50 5976.50 200 9.89E-05
    HIHT 50 4427.63 200 1.63E-05 50 7637.74 200 1.70E-05
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