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Optimal sparse output feedback for networked systems with parametric uncertainties

An earlier version of the paper appears in the proceedings of American Control Conference 2018

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  • This paper investigates the design of block row/column-sparse distributed static output ${H}_2$ feedback control for interconnected systems with polytopic uncertainties. The proposed approach is applicable to the networked systems with publisher/subscriber communication topology. We added two additional terms into the optimisation index function to penalise the number of publishers and subscribers. To optimally select a subset of available publishers and/or subscribers in the network, we introduced both an explicit scheme and an iterative process to handle this problem. We demonstrated the effectiveness by using a numerical example. The example showed that the simultaneous identification of favourable networks topologies and design of controller strategy can be achieved by using the proposed method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C22, 90C35; Secondary: 93A15.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Networked System Architecture

    Figure 2.  Structure of block row/column-sparse SOF gains for different values of $\Psi_s$ and $\Psi_p$

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