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The proximal methods for solving absolute value equation

  • * Corresponding author: Saeed Ketabchi

    * Corresponding author: Saeed Ketabchi
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(0) / Table(3) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, by considering that the objective function of the least squares NP-hard absolute value equations (AVE) $ Ax-\vert x\vert = b $, is non-convex and non-smooth, two types of proximal algorithms are proposed to solve it. One of them is the proximal difference-of-convex algorithm with extrapolation and another is the proximal subgradient method. The convergence results of the proposed methods are proved under certain assumptions. Moreover, a numerical comparison is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested methods.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C26; Secondary: 90C25, 65D10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Numerical results

    $ n $ $ PSM $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_1) $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_2) $ $ NMA $
    $ k $ $ f^* $ Time(s) $ k $ $ f^* $ Time(s) $ k $ $ f^* $ Time(s) $ k $ $ f^* $ Time(s)
    100 3 1.3014e-13 0.00 6 3.1549e-09 0.01 6 6.7541e-09 0.01 3 3.3234e-14 0.00
    200 4 4.8438e-13 0.00 15 6.1291e-09 0.14 15 4.2898e-08 0.14 3 5.5826e-13 0.02
    300 4 5.7916e-13 0.01 11 3.1076e-09 0.33 11 4.9451e-08 0.35 3 1.5016e-13 0.07
    400 4 2.1847e-12 0.03 15 5.3480e-09 1.06 15 4.9031e-08 1.13 3 8.9333e-14 0.15
    500 3 1.4051e-12 0.05 21 4.1335e-09 2.99 22 4.9321e-08 3.13 3 4.7710e-14 0.31
    600 4 2.5018e-12 0.09 28 5.1572e-09 6.97 34 2.7704e-07 8.64 4 7.6831e-14 0.65
    700 4 4.9005e-12 0.12 48 2.5569e-08 17.97 49 5.0799e-07 18.40 4 1.6743e-13 0.88
    800 3 1.8771e-12 0.18 9 1.7880e-08 5.43 10 4.9939e-07 6.57 3 7.4302e-13 1.22
    900 3 2.3440e-12 0.25 10 4.8424e-09 8.49 12 5.0099e-07 10.44 3 4.8301e-13 1.80
    1000 4 2.2558e-11 0.35 187 1.2343e-08 211.21 235 5.4557e-07 265.12 4 7.5471e-13 2.87
    1200 3 8.5001e-12 0.50 60 5.7357e-09 113.34 64 5.0522e-07 123.40 3 1.4848e-12 4.46
    1400 4 6.2183e-12 0.75 22 1.7305e-08 65.07 27 5.0418e-07 82.38 3 4.7878e-13 6.92
    1600 4 1.2471e-11 1.15 56 2.3000e-08 244.24 71 5.2194e-07 313.12 3 1.3944e-12 9.93
    1800 4 2.6274e-11 1.64 77 1.8945e-08 470.20 98 5.0848e-07 598.70 3 3.8787e-12 14.34
    2000 4 7.3268e-11 2.11 29 2.0366e-06 250.21 28 6.7804e-06 254.94 3 3.2740e-11 20.24
    2500 4 1.5833e-11 3.70 21 3.5403e-06 360.32 21 7.2616e-06 363.47 3 6.4072e-13 37.47
    3000 4 1.9845e-11 6.18 - - - - - - 3 1.2198e-12 64.59
    3500 4 1.1487e-10 9.72 - - - - - - 4 1.4824e-12 114.05
    4000 4 4.8631e-11 13.99 - - - - - - 4 1.7890e-08 165.84
    4500 4 1.8675e-10 19.14 - - - - - - 3 3.4833e-09 223.21
    5000 4 7.5360e-11 25.71 - - - - - - 3 3.0396e-12 296.17
    5500 4 5.9422e-11 35.54 - - - - - - 4 2.7493e-8 416.63
    6000 4 8.8736e-11 41.20 - - - - - - 3 3.8974e-12 531.20
    6500 3 8.3807e-11 52.38 - - - - - - - - -
    7000 4 1.0264e-10 71.85 - - - - - - - - -
    7500 4 3.8926e-10 82.25 - - - - - - - - -
    8000 4 5.8126e-11 163.77 - - - - - - - - -
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    Table 2.  Rank and time of four algorithms

    n(d) $ PSM $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_1) $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_2) $ $ NMA $
    Time(s) Rank Time(s) Rank Time(s) Rank Time(s) Rank
    100 0.00 1.5 0.01 3.5 0.01 3.5 0.00 1.5
    200 0.00 1 0.14 3.5 0.14 3.5 0.02 2
    300 0.01 1 0.33 3 0.35 4 0.07 2
    400 0.03 1 1.06 3 1.13 4 0.15 2
    500 0.05 1 2.99 3 3.13 4 0.31 2
    600 0.09 1 6.97 3 8.64 4 0.65 2
    700 0.12 1 17.97 3 18.40 4 0.88 2
    800 0.18 1 5.43 3 6.57 4 1.22 2
    900 0.25 1 8.49 3 10.44 4 1.80 2
    1000 0.35 1 211.21 3 265.12 4 2.87 2
    1200 0.50 1 113.34 3 123.40 4 4.46 2
    1400 0.75 1 65.07 3 82.38 4 6.92 2
    1600 1.15 1 244.24 3 313.12 4 9.93 2
    1800 1.64 1 470.20 3 598.70 4 14.34 2
    2000 2.11 1 250.21 3 254.94 4 20.24 2
    2500 3.70 1 360.32 3 363.47 4 37.47 2
    3000 6.18 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 64.59 2
    3500 9.72 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 114.05 2
    4000 13.99 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 165.84 2
    4500 19.14 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 223.21 2
    5000 25.71 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 296.17 2
    5500 35.54 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 416.63 2
    6000 41.20 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 531.20 2
    6500 52.38 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    7000 71.85 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    7500 82.25 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    8000 163.77 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
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    Table 3.  Rank and accuracy of four algorithms

    n $ PSM $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_1) $ $ PDCA_e(\phi_2) $ $ NMA $
    $ f^* $ Rank $ f^* $ Rank $ f^* $ Rank $ f^* $ Rank
    100 1.3014e-13 2 3.1549e-09 3.5 6.7541e-09 3.5 3.3234e-14 1
    200 4.8438e-13 1.5 6.1291e-09 3 4.2898e-08 4 5.5826e-13 1.5
    300 5.7916e-13 1.5 3.1076e-09 3 4.9451e-08 4 1.5016e-13 1.5
    400 2.1847e-12 2 5.3480e-09 3 4.9031e-08 4 8.9333e-14 1
    500 1.4051e-12 2 4.1335e-09 3 4.9321e-08 4 4.7710e-14 1
    600 2.5018e-12 2 5.1572e-09 3 2.7704e-07 4 7.6831e-14 1
    700 4.9005e-12 2 2.5569e-08 3 5.0799e-07 4 1.6743e-13 1
    800 1.8771e-12 2 1.7880e-08 3 4.9939e-07 4 7.4302e-13 1
    900 2.3440e-12 2 4.8424e-09 3 5.0099e-07 4 4.8301e-13 1
    1000 2.2558e-11 2 1.2343e-08 3 5.4557e-07 4 7.5471e-13 1
    1200 8.5001e-12 1.5 5.7357e-09 3 5.0522e-07 4 1.4848e-12 1.5
    1400 6.2183e-12 2 1.7305e-08 3 5.0418e-07 4 4.7878e-13 1
    1600 1.2471e-11 2 2.3000e-08 3 5.2194e-07 4 1.3944e-12 1
    1800 2.6274e-11 2 1.8945e-08 3 5.0848e-07 4 3.8787e-12 1
    2000 7.3268e-11 1.5 2.0366e-06 3.5 6.7804e-06 3.5 3.2740e-11 1.5
    2500 1.5833e-11 2 3.5403e-06 3.5 7.2616e-06 3.5 6.4072e-13 1
    3000 1.9845e-11 2 - 3.5 - 3.5 1.2198e-12 1
    3500 1.1487e-10 2 - 3.5 - 3.5 1.4824e-12 1
    4000 4.8631e-11 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 1.7890e-08 2
    4500 1.8675e-10 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 3.4833e-09 2
    5000 7.5360e-11 2 - 3.5 - 3.5 3.0396e-12 1
    5500 5.9422e-11 1 - 3.5 - 3.5 2.7493e-8 2
    6000 8.8736e-11 2 - 3.5 - 3.5 3.8974e-12 1
    6500 8.3807e-11 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    7000 1.0264e-10 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    7500 3.8926e-10 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
    8000 5.8126e-11 1 - 3 - 3 - 3
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