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Alternating direction method of multipliers with variable metric indefinite proximal terms for convex optimization

  • * Corresponding author: Yan Gu

    * Corresponding author: Yan Gu 

This paper is dedicated in honor and to the memory of Professor Wenyu Sun

This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 17K00032

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  • This paper studies a proximal alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) with variable metric indefinite proximal terms for linearly constrained convex optimization problems. The proximal ADMM plays an important role in many application areas, since the subproblems of the method are easy to solve. Recently, it is reported that the proximal ADMM with a certain fixed indefinite proximal term is faster than that with a positive semidefinite term, and still has the global convergence property. On the other hand, Gu and Yamashita studied a variable metric semidefinite proximal ADMM whose proximal term is generated by the BFGS update. They reported that a slightly indefinite matrix also makes the algorithm work well in their numerical experiments. Motivated by this fact, we consider a variable metric indefinite proximal ADMM, and give sufficient conditions on the proximal terms for the global convergence. Moreover, based on the BFGS update, we propose a new indefinite proximal term which can satisfy the conditions for the global convergence. Experiments on several datasets demonstrated that our proposed variable metric indefinite proximal ADMM outperforms most of the comparison proximal ADMMs.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C25, 90C53, 65K05.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Evolution of the objective function values with respect to iterations on real datasets

    Figure 2.  Evolution of the objective function values with respect to iterations on synthetic datasets

    Figure 3.  Comparison on the CPU time

    Table 1.  Comparisons among existing methods

    method $ S, T $ $ \alpha $ $ \tau $
    Classical ADMM [9,11] $ S=T=0 $ $ (0, (1+\sqrt 5)/2) $ -
    Semi-proximal ADMM [7] fixed positive semidefinite matrices $ (0, (1+\sqrt 5)/2) $ $ (1, +\infty) $
    Variable semi-proximal ADMM [13,14] variable positive semidefinite matrices 1 $ (1, +\infty) $
    Indefinite proximal ADMM [20] fixed indefinite matrices 1 $ (0.75,1) $
    Proposed method variable indefinite matrices 1 $ (0.75,1) $
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    Construction of $ T_k $ via the BFGS update
    1 Let $ \delta \in (0, \infty) $, $ \tau \in (\frac3 4, 1) $ and $ B_0 \succeq \tau M $;
    2 Let $ c_k $ be a sequence such that $ c_k \in [0,1] $ and $ \sum\limits_{k=0}^{\infty} c_k < \infty $;
    3 If $ s_k \neq 0 $, then set $ \tilde{l}_k = M^{\delta} s_k $ and update $ B_{k+1} $ via
    $\begin{equation*} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B_{k+1} = B_{k}+ c_k \left(\frac {{\tilde{l}}_{k}{\tilde{l}}_{k}^\top}{{\tilde{l}}_{k}^\top {s}_{k}} -{\frac {B_{k}{s}_{k}{s}_{k}^\top B_{k}^\top}{{s}_{k}^\top B_{k}{s}_{k}}} \right); \end{equation*} $
    4 Otherwise
    $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ B_{k+1} = B_k;$
    5 Construct $ T_{k+1} $ as
    $\begin{equation*} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ T_{k+1} = B_{k+1} - M. \end{equation*} $
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    Table 2.  Results for real datasets

    Datasets Tolerance $ \beta $ ADMM SPADM IPADM IADMB IADML
    Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A
    $ m=506 $
    $ n=13 $
    $ \epsilon^ \mathrm{rel} = 10^{-2} $ 100 22.0 0.0010 70.0 0.0015 48.0 0.0013 26.0 0.0015 25.0 0.0018
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-3} $ 300 9.0 0.0010 37.0 0.0013 32.0 0.0012 20.0 0.0015 21.0 0.0016
    500 11.0 0.0010 29.0 0.0012 26.0 0.0011 20.0 0.0012 19.0 0.0014
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-3} $ 300 16.0 0.0010 69.0 0.0014 60.0 0.0013 29.0 0.0014 {34.0} 0.0017
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-4} $ 500 18.0 0.0011 75.0 0.0015 65.0 0.0014 28.0 0.0015 30.0 0.0016
    700 25.0 0.0010 86.0 0.0017 75.0 0.0015 36.0 0.0017 36.0 0.0017
    $ m=20640 $
    $ n=8 $
    $ \epsilon^ \mathrm{rel} = 10^{-2} $ 1000 36.0 0.0014 89.0 0.0069 77.0 0.0064 38.0 0.0022 38.0 0.0054
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-3} $ 1500 24.0 0.0012 73.0 0.0057 64.0 0.0056 26.0 0.0022 27.0 0.0050
    1700 21.0 0.0013 67.0 0.0056 59.0 0.0049 24.0 0.0018 24.0 0.0041
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-3} $ 5000 23.0 0.0013 55.0 0.0046 49.0 0.0044 28.0 0.0020 28.0 0.0048
    $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-4} $ 5300 22.0 0.0014 53.0 0.0045 47.0 0.0043 27.0 0.0023 27.0 0.0042
    5500 22.0 0.0012 52.0 0.0041 47.0 0.0042 26.0 0.0018 26.0 0.0036
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    Table 3.  Results for Synthetic datasets ($ \epsilon^ \mathrm{rel} = 10^{-2} $, $ \epsilon ^ \mathrm{abs} = 10^{-3} $)

    Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A Iter. T-A
    $ m=2664 $ T-LU$ =10.315 $ 300 30.7 0.5069 75.2 0.5898 66.9 0.5286 36.3 0.2987 34.1 0.2784
    $ n=2778 $ T-ME$ =1.980 $ 500 17.9 0.3010 49.9 0.4102 42.5 0.3555 26.5 0.2260 24.5 0.2034
    800 11.5 0.1888 36.0 0.2854 31.7 0.2539 20.1 0.1695 18.3 0.1507
    1000 10.3 0.1716 31.6 0.2537 27.3 0.2232 18.4 0.1578 17.1 0.1437
    $ m=3580 $ T-LU$ =28.516 $ 300 44.9 1.4417 111.5 1.9481 95.9 1.6807 50.2 0.9149 47.8 0.8656
    $ n=4620 $ T-ME$ =5.378 $ 500 27.9 0.9129 73.1 1.2882 62.1 1.0911 36.0 0.6608 33.7 0.6198
    800 17.9 0.5888 53.2 0.9468 42.5 0.7578 27.9 0.5178 25.4 0.4786
    1000 14.3 0.4787 41.1 0.7307 35.1 0.6266 24.6 0.4576 22.9 0.4221
    $ m=7498 $ T-LU=118.826 500 46.8 1.7680 86.9 4.0866 67.2 3.1514 47.2 2.2569 47.0 2.2453
    $ n=5633 $ T-ME=16.141 1000 24.3 0.9105 51.0 2.3636 45.0 2.0981 27.6 1.3902 26.1 1.2590
    1500 16.1 0.6303 40.9 1.9333 36.0 1.6943 20.7 0.9949 19.5 0.9493
    2000 12.1 0.4829 28.9 1.3641 25.9 1.2279 18.8 0.9107 17.0 0.8338
    $ m=4774 $ T-LU=158.214 500 48.0 4.7976 134.3 8.7370 116.7 7.6785 61.6 4.1815 59.7 3.9039
    $ n=10368 $ T-ME=24.249 1000 23.4 2.3597 80.7 5.3301 70.8 5.7369 41.6 3.6014 38.1 2.6846
    1500 17.4 1.4561 55.7 3.0283 49.0 2.6745 31.4 1.7645 29.1 1.6197
    2000 13.7 1.1631 47.0 2.6077 41.2 2.2898 29.1 1.6362 26.3 1.4693
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