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Applying particle swarm optimization based on Padé approximant to solve ordinary differential equation

  • * Corresponding author: Azzam S. Y. Aladool

    * Corresponding author: Azzam S. Y. Aladool
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(7) / Table(6) Related Papers Cited by
  • Ordinary differential equations are converted into a constrained optimization problems to find their approximate solutions. In this work, an algorithm is proposed by applying particle swarm optimization (PSO) to find an approximate solution of ODEs based on an expansion approximation. Since many cases of linear and nonlinear ODEs have singularity point, Padé approximant which is fractional expansion is employed for more accurate results compare to Fourier and Taylor expansions. The fitness function is obtained by adding the discrete least square weighted function to a penalty function. The proposed algorithm is applied to 13 famous ODEs such as Lane Emden, Emden-Fowler, Riccati, Ivey, Abel, Thomas Fermi, Bernoulli, Bratu, Van der pol, the Troesch problem and other cases. The proposed algorithm offer fast and accurate results compare to the other methods presented in this paper. The results demonstrate the ability of proposed approach to solve linear and nonlinear ODEs with initial or boundary conditions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34Bxx, 65Lxx, 65Kxx, 41A21; .


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  shows a plot of the resulting approximate solution with the corresponding exact solutions.

    Figure 2.  Shows numerical error between the approximate solution and exact solution arising from the proposed algorithm in four examples.in NLIVP5, NLIVP6, NBVP1 and NBVP3 respectively.

    Figure 3.  Show the convergence of PSO-PEA-DLSWF algorithm in 500 iteration.

    Figure 4.  Comparison of expansions: PEA, TEA and FEA to consumed time.

    Figure 5.  shows the simulating of example (NLBVP3) in terms of errors, convergence and stability.

    Figure 6.  Comparison between the fitness function: WRF, LSWF and DLSWF with consumed time.

    Figure 7.  shows the simulating of example (NLBVP1) in terms of errors, convergence and stability.

    Table 1.  Illustrates different type of the ordinary differential equations, with its conditions, domain and exact solution.

    Simple ODEs1
    $y'=\frac{y}{x}+1$ $y(1)=0$
    Simple ODEs2
    $y''-y=e^x$ $y(0)=0$
    Simple Harmonic
    $y''+25y=0$ $y(0)=1$
    $y'=1+2y-y^2$ $y(0)=0$
    $y=1+\sqrt{2} \tanh{(\sqrt{2}x}+\frac{1}{2} ln(\frac{\sqrt{2}-1}{\sqrt{2}+1}))$
    $y'=1-x^2 y+y^3$ $y(0)=0$
    $y''=\frac{(y' )^2}{y}-\frac{2y'}{x}-2y^2$ $y(1)=1$
    Lane- Emden
    $y''+2\frac{y'}{x}=-4(2e^y+e^{\frac{y}{2}})$ $y(0)=0$
    $y''+6\frac{y'}{x}+14y+4ylny=0$ $y(0)=1$
    Van Der Pol
    $y''+y=0.05(1-y^2 )y'$ $y(0)=0$
    Sol. By ode45
    solver in MATLAB
    $y''-\pi^2 e^y=0$ $y(0)=0$
    $y''=\sqrt{\frac{y^3}{x}}$ $y(1)=144$
    $y''+(y')^2=2e^{-y}$ $y(0)=0$
    Troesch Problem
    $y''=\sinh{y}$ $y(0)=0$
    Sol. By bvp4c
    solver in MATLAB
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    Table 2.  the values of parameters and inputs used in all example.

    parameter $ \phi_1 $ $ \phi_2 $ $ \kappa $ $ \rho $ $ \sigma $ $ h $ $ TOL $ $ K_m \forall m $ $ Maxit $ $ nPop $
    value 2.05 2.05 1 0.8 0.4 0.01 1e-03 1 or 10 500 200
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    Table 3.  Search space and nVar sitting of each example.

    Equation PEA TEA FEA
    VarMin VarMax nVar VarMin VarMax nVar VarMin VarMax nVar
    LIVP1 -1 1 10 -2 2 10 -2 2 9
    LIVP2 -2 2 10 -2 2 10 -2 2 11
    LBVP1 -3 3 10 -3 3 10 -1 1 11
    NLIVP1 -2 2 10 -2 2 10 -2 2 9
    NLIVP2 0 1 10 0 1 10 -1 1 11
    NLIVP3 0 1 10 -3 3 10 -2 2 9
    NLIVP4 -2 2 10 -2 2 10 -1 1 11
    NLIVP5 -1 1 10 -1 1 10 -1 1 9
    NLIVP6 -1 1 10 -2 2 10 -0.5 0.5 9
    NLBVP1 -1 1 10 -3 3 10 -1 1 9
    NLBVP2 0 1 10 -900 900 10 -200 200 9
    NLBVP3 -2 2 10 -3 3 10 -1 1 9
    NLBVP4 -4 4 10 -1 1 10 -1 1 9
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    Table 4.  shows the values of variables founded by using the PSO-PEA-DLSWF algorithm.

    Eq. Coff, $ m=1 $ $ m=2 $ $ m=3 $ $ m=4 $ $ m=5 $
    LIVP1 $ \alpha_m $ 0.449646621 -0.955885566 -0.662451518 0.5990158869 0.5696745764
    $ \beta_m $ -0.383029549 1.000000000 0.9928258613 0.2090703809 -0.01223876
    LIVP2 $ \alpha_m $ 1.5905e-08 -2.000000000 -1.99993129 -1.999993802 1.320889355
    $ \beta_m $ -2.000000000 -1.028027457 -0.640309044 1.893006788 -0.627961135
    LBVP1 $ \alpha_m $ -0.23700822 0.2939052397 1.7497711122 -0.815400817 -0.28105974
    $ \beta_m $ -0.237008298 0.2940587929 -1.172283084 1.983810204 -2.525130497
    NLIVP1 $ \alpha_m $ -6.595e-07 -2.000000000 -1.969510526 -2.000000000 -1.99980317
    $ \beta_m $ -1.999999998 0.1334264437 -1.999346637 0.2828697917 -1.132644395
    NLIVP2 $ \alpha_m $ 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.9159523195 1.00000000
    $ \beta_m $ 1.00000000 1.00000000 0.9159523195 1.00000000 0.00000000
    NLIVP3 $ \alpha_m $ 1.00000000 0.501789937 0.3963523812 0.00000000 0.00000000
    $ \beta_m $ 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.501789937 0.3963523812
    NLIVP4 $ \alpha_m $ -3.556e-10 1.1605e-09 1.371544377 1.705016485 1.664659425
    $ \beta_m $ -0.699013232 -0.795001437 -1.237894199 -0.487132482 -0.20116878
    NLIVP5 $ \alpha_m $ -1.0000000 -0.999999714 0.9996994842 1.00000000 -0.670316746
    $ \beta_m $ -0.999999761 -1.0000000 0.0694451202 -0.363172581 0.4710444283
    NLIVP6 $ \alpha_m $ 9.8817e-08 0.499999967 -0.128335779 -0.225730262 0.4574883022
    $ \beta_m $ 1.00000000 -0.334983343 0.0548712929 0.1919886974 0.4900184664
    NLBVP1 $ \alpha_m $ 6.0988e-07 -1.0000000 -0.168001861 0.1680024128 1.00000000
    $ \beta_m $ 0.3182717396 0.5556535208 0.2683350684 0.1086186654 -0.242687286
    NLBVP2 $ \alpha_m $ 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
    $ \beta_m $ 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.0069444444 0.00000000
    NLBVP3 $ \alpha_m $ -2.979e-11 -1.512033065 0.5287945264 -0.376563712 1.359802251
    $ \beta_m $ 1.512152004 0.2390046775 1.385502167 0.2230003398 0.4953153062
    NLBVP4 $ \alpha_m $ 2.6966e-06 -3.398796238 -0.916386583 -3.997792287 -2.079546692
    $ \beta_m $ -4.00000000 -1.420908971 -2.843010022 -3.999816103 1.8712207261
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    Table 5.  Comparison of expansions: PEA, TEA and FEA. The capital letters P, T and F denotes when PEA, TEA and FEA is the best results respectively.

    Equation PEA TEA FEA
    No. It RMSE Time
    No. It RMSE Time
    No. It RMSE Time
    LIVP1 047 6.98e-04 26.79 113 9.70e-04 37.70 349 3.28e-02 090.10 P
    LIVP2 017 3.35e-04 10.37 062 8.50e-04 21.39 500 4.68e-02 130.30 P
    LBVP1 019 6.49e-04 09.25 081 9.87e-04 21.64 128 9.69e-04 027.38 P
    NLIVP1 049 9.53e-04 25.92 122 9.90e-04 39.58 500 1.50e-02 093.13 P
    NLIVP2 006 4.95e-04 03.61 003 0.00e-00 02.06 500 2.90e-02 193.67 T
    NLIVP3 006 6.83e-04 09.67 500 1.36e-03 247.7 500 9.90e-03 233.29 P
    NLIVP4 028 9.80e-04 28.07 500 8.60e-03 189.1 500 6.00e-02 181.89 P
    NLIVP5 008 6.70e-04 7.122 500 2.60e-03 238.3 500 2.30e-02 201.20 P
    NLIVP6 014 7.95e-04 18.14 040 9.90e-04 36.58 500 9.10e-03 339.87 P
    NLBVP1 014 9.01e-04 08.89 500 2.10e-02 151.0 500 4.80e-03 152.02 P
    NLBVP2 013 8.69e-04 12.08 500 2.14e-01 143.2 500 6.30e-01 126.00 P
    NLBVP3 014 8.59e-04 16.40 500 5.80e-03 158.5 500 1.49e-03 226.66 P
    NLBVP4 013 4.58e-04 10.62 500 2.30e-03 200.7 500 2.15e-03 121.30 P
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    Table 6.  Comparison of fitness function: WRF, LSWF and DLSWF. W, L and D symbols indicates that method PEA-PSO-WRF, PEA-PSO-LSWF and PEA-PSO-DLSWF is the best results respectively.

    Equation WRF LSWF DLSWF
    No. It RMSE Time
    No. It RMSE Time
    No. It RMSE Time
    LIVP1 012 8.03e-04 14.13 014 5.91e-03 22.88 039 1.24e-03 58.56 W
    LIVP2 012 8.98e-04 15.68 016 9.57e-04 29.54 030 6.09e-04 22.33 W
    LBVP1 031 6.76e-04 23.92 027 9.14e-04 25.76 018 9.81e-04 11.42 D
    NLIVP1 212 8.38e-04 270.9 150 9.94e-04 182.0 057 9.51e-04 77.09 D
    NLIVP2 004 1.42e-17 07.64 003 1.44e-17 04.26 003 0.00e-00 07.48 L
    NLIVP3 003 3.79e-17 08.43 003 3.79e-17 08.77 003 3.79e-17 07.71 D
    NLIVP4 077 9.81e-04 172.9 246 8.19e-04 486.1 016 8.96e-04 39.77 D
    NLIVP5 013 7.60e-04 40.40 018 8.52e-04 36.23 009 6.52e-04 25.20 D
    NLIVP6 027 7.14e-04 85.23 018 7.86e-04 39.10 012 9.79e-04 23.62 D
    NLBVP1 034 6.13e-04 54.26 074 9.14e-04 114.2 018 8.97e-04 33.88 D
    NLBVP2 019 1.86e-04 35.08 027 7.55e-05 48.71 012 2.52e-04 17.02 D
    NLBVP3 016 3.75e-04 27.01 011 8.91e-04 18.40 018 9.11e-04 28.41 L
    NLBVP4 015 8.11e-04 25.80 016 7.19e-04 22.62 021 8.84e-04 24.08 L
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