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Preconditioned inexact Newton-like method for large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems

  • * Corresponding author: Li Wang

    * Corresponding author: Li Wang

The authors are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 41571380 and 10971102, Major project 16KJA110001 of the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institution

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  • An efficiently preconditioned Newton-like method for the computation of the eigenpairs of large and sparse nonsymmetric matrices is proposed. A sequence of preconditioners based on the Broyden-type rank-one update formula are constructed for the solution of the linearized Newton system. The properties of the preconditioned matrix are investigated. Numerical results are given which reveal that the new proposed algorithms are efficient.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65F15, 65N25; Secondary: 65F10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  The results for the largest real eigenvalue of $ A $

    Algorithm eigenvalue CPU time (s)
    GMRES-INewton 7.9817 9.8430
    PGMRES-INewton 7.9817 6.9330
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    Table 2.  The results of GMRES-INewton and PGMRES-INewton method

    GMRES-INewton PGMRES-INewton
    k $ ||r_{k}|| $ $ |\lambda_{k}-\lambda^{*}| $ $ cond(\mathcal{A}) $ $ ||r_{k}|| $ $ |\lambda_{k}-\lambda^{*}| $ $ cond(P^{-1}\mathcal{A}) $
    1 2.8670e+03 1.4750e+00 3.1275e+09 2.8670e+03 1.4750e+00 3.1275e+09
    2 5.6282e+01 7.2040e-01 2.8736e+05 2.4063e+01 4.8650e-02 4.0326e+04
    3 1.2415e+00 3.8120e-02 6.1342e+04 3.4120e-03 6.7520e-03 3.3108e+04
    4 1.3586e-04 3.3470e-05 3.1625e+04 5.4758e-05 1.2050e-05 3.0213e+03
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    Table 3.  The results for the largest real eigenvalue of $ A $

    Algorithm eigenvalue CPU time (s)
    GMRES-INewton 0.4338 12.5310
    PGMRES-INewton 0.4338 10.4990
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    Table 4.  The results of GMRES-INewton and PGMRES-INewton method

    GMRES-INewton PGMRES-INewton
    k $ ||r_{k}|| $ $ |\lambda_{k}-\lambda^{*}| $ $ cond(\mathcal{A}) $ $ ||r_{k}|| $ $ |\lambda_{k}-\lambda^{*}| $ $ cond(P^{-1}\mathcal{A}) $
    1 2.6740e+02 5.8630e+01 1.2640e+10 2.6740e+02 5.8630e+01 1.2640e+10
    2 4.3572e+01 1.0270e+01 6.0304e+07 7.6230e+00 9.6810e-02 5.6210e+05
    3 3.0450e+00 7.8140e-01 2.4639e+05 3.2540e-02 4.2830e-04 3.2790e+04
    4 6.3580e-02 4.6720e-02 5.1852e+04 4.9130e-05 1.4270e-06 4.5870e+04
    5 2.3710e-04 1.0390e-03 1.3089e+05
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    Table 5.  The results for the largest real eigenvalue of a random matrix

    Algorithm eigenvalue CPU time (s)
    GMRES-INewton 298.2441 15.7350
    PGMRES-INewton 298.2441 9.1470
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    Table 6.  The results for the largest imaginary eigenvalue of a random matrix

    Algorithm eigenvalue CPU time (s)
    GMRES-INewton -0.0001+0.0054$ i $ 16.2370
    PGMRES-INewton -0.0001+0.0054$ i $ 10.4790
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