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Deep signature FBSDE algorithm

  • *Corresponding author: Qi Feng

    *Corresponding author: Qi Feng 

This work is dedicated to Professor Jin Ma's 65th birthday

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(9) / Table(3) Related Papers Cited by
  • We propose a deep signature/log-signature FBSDE algorithm to solve forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs) with state and path dependent features. By incorporating the deep signature/log-signature transformation into the recurrent neural network (RNN) model, our algorithm shortens the training time, improves the accuracy, and extends the time horizon comparing to methods in the existing literature. Moreover, our algorithms can be applied to a wide range of applications such as state and path dependent option pricing involving high-frequency data, model ambiguity, and stochastic games, which are linked to parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), and path-dependent PDEs (PPDEs). Lastly, we also derive the convergence analysis of the deep signature/log-signature FBSDE algorithm.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65C30, 60H35; Secondary: 65M75.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Convergence on lookback option prices ($ T = 1 $) via different methods

    Figure 2.  Option pricing errors across different methods and time steps

    Figure 3.  Computation times over different methods and time steps

    Figure 4.  High frequency long duration lookback option pricing example ($ T = 10 $)

    Figure 5.  High frequency long duration lookback option pricing example ($ T = 10 $ zoomed plot)

    Figure 6.  A better bound for bid and ask prices

    Figure 7.  Zoomed plots for bid prices

    Figure 8.  Zoomed plots for ask prices

    Figure 9.  Nonlinear Example

    Table 1.  Best ask price for GBM European call option

    Simple NN
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=100$
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=500$
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=1000$
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=5000$
    25.526 25.48 25.46 25.46 25.45
     | Show Table
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    Table 2.  Bid ask prices for European call under Heston model

    MARS Bid
    MARS Bid
    Vanilla-LSTM Bid
    Vanilla-LSTM Bid
    Sig-LSTM Bid
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=100$
    Sig-LSTM Bid
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=500$
    Sig-LSTM Bid
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=5000$
    9.74 9.62 9.59 9.58 9.53 9.527 9.50
    MARS Ask
    MARS Ask
    Vanilla-LSTM Ask
    Vanilla-LSTM Ask
    Sig-LSTM Ask
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=100$
    Sig-LSTM Ask
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=500$
    Sig-LSTM Ask
    $\tilde{n}=5$, $n=5000$
    12.16 12.25 12.17 12.41 12.48 12.52 12.57
     | Show Table
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    Table 3.  $ Y_0$ in the Nonlinear Example

    $\tilde{n}=5$ $\tilde{n}=20$ $\tilde{n}=50$ $\tilde{n}=100$
    $n=100$ 0.986 0.9979 0.9988
    $n=1000$ 0.987 0.9982 0.9991 0.9997
     | Show Table
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