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Growth regulation and the insulin signaling pathway

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The insulin signaling pathway propagates a signal from receptors in the cell membrane to the nucleus via numerous molecules some of which are transported through the cell in a partially stochastic way. These different molecular species interact and eventually regulate the activity of the transcription factor FOXO, which is partly responsible for inhibiting the growth of organs. It is postulated that FOXO partially governs the plasticity of organ growth with respect to insulin signalling, thereby preserving the full function of essential organs at the expense of growth of less crucial ones during starvation conditions. We present a mathematical model of this reacting and directionally-diffusing network of molecules and examine the predictions resulting from simulations.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 92-08, 92C42, 92C40; Secondary: 92C37, 92C30.


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