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An epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion on networks

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We consider a SIS system with nonlocal diffusion which is the continuous version of a discrete model for the propagation of epidemics on a metapopulation network. Under the assumption of limited transmission, we prove the global existence of a unique solution for any diffusion coefficients. We investigate the existence of an endemic equilibrium and prove its linear stability, which corresponds to the loss of stability of the disease-free equilibrium. In the case of equal diffusion coefficients, we reduce the system to a Fisher-type equation with nonlocal diffusion, which allows us to study the large time behaviour of the solutions. We show large time convergence to either the disease-free or the endemic equilibrium.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B35, 35B40, 35B51, 45J05, 47G20, 92C42, 92D30.


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