0.1 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.004 | |
2.8e-1 | 1.6e-1 | 3.6e-2 | 1.1e-2 |
We present a non-local version of a scalar balance law modeling traffic flow with on-ramps and off-ramps. The source term is used to describe the inflow and output flow over the on-ramp and off-ramps respectively. We approximate the problem using an upwind-type numerical scheme and we provide $ \mathbf{L^{\infty}} $ and $ \mathbf{BV} $ estimates for the sequence of approximate solutions. Together with a discrete entropy inequality, we also show the well-posedness of the considered class of scalar balance laws. Some numerical simulations illustrate the behaviour of solutions in sample cases.
Citation: |
Table 1.
Example 2.
0.1 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.004 | |
2.8e-1 | 1.6e-1 | 3.6e-2 | 1.1e-2 |
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Illustration of the model setting
Example 1. Numerical approximations of the problem (2.1). Dynamic of Model 1 vs. Model 2 at (a)
Example 2. Numerical approximations of the problem (2.1) at
Example 3. Numerical approximation at time
Example 4. Dynamic of the model (2.1). Behavior of the numerical solution computed with Algorithm 3.1 by means of Model 1 and Model 2 at time (a)