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Vaccination strategies through intra—compartmental dynamics

The authors were partly supported by the GNAMPA 2020 project "From Wellposedness to Game Theory in Conservation Laws". The IBM Power Systems Academic Initiative contributed to numerical integrations

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  • We present a new epidemic model highlighting the roles of the immunization time and concurrent use of different vaccines in a vaccination campaign. To this aim, we introduce new intra-compartmental dynamics, a procedure that can be extended to various other situations, as detailed through specific case studies considered herein, where the dynamics within compartments are present and influence the whole evolution.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 92D30; Secondary: 35L65.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Solutions to (3)–(7)–(8) in the $ 4 $ cases $ T_* = 7, \, 21, \, 35, \, 49 $

    Figure 2.  Diagrams of the solutions to (3)–(7)–(8) with a suspension in the vaccination campaign as detailed in (9) in the $ 4 $ cases $ T_* = 7, \, 21, \, 35, \, 49 $

    Figure 3.  Diagrams of the solutions to (4)–(7)–(8)–(10). On the left with $ \omega = 0.1 $ and, on the right, with $ \omega = 0.4 $

    Figure 4.  Above, the integrations of (1) and (15), below on the left that of (16) (19). The rightmost diagram on the second line displays the total number of living individuals in the three cases, showing that, with respect to mortality, the ODE–PDE model (16) can be seen in some senses in the middle between the ODE models (1) and (15)

    Figure 5.  Above, from left to right, the integrations of Case $ (i) $, Case $ (ii) $ and Case $ (iii) $ in (20) with parameters and data as prescribed in (19). Below, the corresponding choices of the $ \rho $ function as detailed in (20). The differences in the displayed evolutions are due to the intra–compartmental dynamics in the $ I $ population

    Table 1.  Times necessary for the vaccination to provide immunity and corresponding casualties according to model (3)–(7)–(8). The initial total population is $ 100 $

    $ T_* $ (days) 1 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
    Deaths: 0.28 0.32 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.70
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    Table 2.  Times necessary for the vaccination to provide immunity and corresponding casualties, according to model (3)–(7)–(8), in the case vaccinations are suspended as detailed in (9). The initial total population is $ 100 $

    $ T_* $ 1 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
    Deaths: 1.11 1.18 1.25 1.32 1.38 1.43 1.48 1.53
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    Table 3.  Populations in model (21) from [11]

    $ S $ Susceptible healthy can be infected
    $ I $ Infected asymptomatic infective undetected
    $ D $ Diagnosed asymptomatic infective detected
    $ A $ Ailing symptomatic infective undetected
    $ R $ Recognized symptomatic infective detected
    $ T $ Threatened acutely symptomatic infected detected
    $ H $ Healed healthy immune
    $ E $ Extinct
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