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3D reconstruction for partial data electrical impedance tomography using a sparsity prior

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In electrical impedance tomography the electrical conductivity inside a physical body is computed from electro-static boundary measurements. The focus of this paper is to extend recent results for the 2D problem to 3D: prior information about the sparsity and spatial distribution of the conductivity is used to improve reconstructions for the partial data problem with Cauchy data measured only on a subset of the boundary. A sparsity prior is enforced using the $\ell_1$ norm in the penalty term of a Tikhonov functional, and spatial prior information is incorporated by applying a spatially distributed regularization parameter. The optimization problem is solved numerically using a generalized conditional gradient method with soft thresholding. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the suggested method even for the partial data problem with measurements affected by noise.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65N20, 65N21.


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