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Classification of periodic orbits in the planar equal-mass four-body problem

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In the N-body problem, many periodic orbits are found as local Lagrangian action minimizers. In this work, we classify such periodic orbits in the planar equal-mass four-body problem. Specific planar configurations are considered: line, rectangle, diamond, isosceles trapezoid, double isosceles, kite, etc. Periodic orbits are classified into 8 categories and each category corresponds to a pair of specific configurations. Furthermore, it helps discover several new sets of periodic orbits.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 70F10, 70F15; Secondary: 49M15.


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    D. Yan, and T. Ouyang, Existence and linear stability of spatial isosceles periodic orbits in the equal-mass three-body problem, preprint.

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