Citation: |
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T. Ouyang, and Z. Xie, A new variational method with SPBC and many stable choreographic solutions of the Newtonian 4-body problem, preprint, arXiv:1306.0119. |
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T. Ouyang, and Z. Xie, A continuum of periodic solutions to the four-body problem with various choices of masses, preprint, arXiv:1310.4206. |
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D. Ferrario and S. Terracini, On the existence of collisionless equivariant minimizers for the classical n-body problem, Invent. Math., 155 (2004), 305-362. |
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M. Šuvakov and V. Dmitrašinović, Three classes of Newtonian three-body planar periodic orbits, Phy. Rev. Lett., 110 (2013), 114301. |
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R. Vanderbei, New orbits for the n-body problem, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1017 (2004), 422-433. |
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L. Bakker, T. Ouyang, D. Yan, S. Simmons and G. Roberts, Linear stability for some symmetric periodic simultaneous binary collision orbits in the four-body problem, Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom., 108 (2010), 147-164. |
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D. Yan, Existence and linear stability of the rhomboidal periodic orbit in the planar equal mass four-body problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 388 (2012), 942-951. |
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T. Ouyang, S. Simmons and D.Yan, Periodic solutions with singularities in two dimensions in the n-body problem, Rocky Mountain J. Math., 42 (2012), 1601-1614. |
[13] |
D. Yan, and T. Ouyang, New phenomena in the spatial isosceles three-body problem, Inter. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 25 (2015), 1550116. |
[14] |
D. Yan, and T. Ouyang, Existence and linear stability of spatial isosceles periodic orbits in the equal-mass three-body problem, preprint. |