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How power distance affect motivation in cross-cultural environment: Findings from Chinese companies in Europe

Academic Editor: William Guo

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(3) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • Motivation is a key factor for success in education and modern working life. Cross-cultural environment is a challenge to it and, if not taken into account, it can impair learning outcome and lead to high turnover rates in companies. We performed an ethnographic study in two Chinese companies expanded to Europe and observed what problems the organizations faced. Our finding is that main problems originate from cultural differences between Chinese and Western organizations, and that they are mostly explained by the different power distance in the two cultures. The host company has a steep hierarchy of the organization, and it did not delegate the decision making to the locals. This led to frustration, loss of motivation, and high turnover rate.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
  • 加载中
  • Figure 1.  Themes of disempowerment in the perceptions of local employees

    Figure 2.  Power distance index adapted from [42]

    Figure 3.  Themes of closed communication in the perceptions of local employees

    Table 1.  A profile of Chinese multinationals chosen in the study

    Entry mode Founded Location Employees Parent company
    Industry Employees Founded
    Greenfield 2000s Scandinavia > 20 Communication > 80, 000 1980s
    Greenfield 2000s Germany > 200 Machinery > 60, 000 1980s
     | Show Table
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    Table 2.  Characteristics of the participants and example of the coding process in the data analysis

    Dimension Theme Code Original data
    Power distance Limited decision making Not able to make decision Somehow as a Scandinavian, I think I am not regarded as a person; we are not able to make decisions.
    Framework vs. Detail The Western leadership is only a general leadership, only the concept, the boss doesn′t get details. The Chinese boss wants to know everything, and he is the one who knows everything.
    Hierarchy Militarystyle A typical Chinese leadership is based on more centralized thinking and in this way is more like the military style of leadership.
    Follow the order Never ask Never ask, I don′t know why, but never ask.
    No discussion
    No explanation
    No one has discussion with the employees, like whether or not we should do something. No thoughts around it, no communication to the employees.
     | Show Table
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