We study the second order nonlinear differential equation
$ u'' + \sum\limits_{i = 1}^m {} {\alpha _i}{a_i}(x){g_i}(u) - \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{m + 1} {} {\beta _j}{b_j}(x){k_j}(u) = 0,{\rm{ }} $
where $\alpha_{i}, \beta_{j}>0$, $a_{i}(x), b_{j}(x)$ are non-negative Lebesgue integrable functions defined in $\mathopen{[}0, L\mathclose{]}$, and the nonlinearities $g_{i}(s), k_{j}(s)$ are continuous, positive and satisfy suitable growth conditions, as to cover the classical superlinear equation $u"+a(x)u.{p} = 0$, with $p>1$.When the positive parameters $\beta_{j}$ are sufficiently large, we prove the existence of at least $2.{m}-1$positive solutions for the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems associated with the equation.The proof is based on the Leray-Schauder topological degree for locally compact operators on open and possibly unbounded sets.Finally, we deal with radially symmetric positive solutions for the Dirichlet problems associated with elliptic PDEs.
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Figure 1. The figure shows an example of $ 3 $ positive solutions to the Dirichlet problem associated with (1.1) on $ \mathopen{[}0, 3\pi\mathclose{]} $, where $ \tau = \pi $, $ \sigma = 2\pi $, $ L = 3\pi $, $ a (x) = \sin^{+}(x) $, $ b (x) = \sin^{-}(x) $ (as in the upper part of the figure), $ g (s) = s^{2} $, $ k (s) = s^{3} $ (for $ s>0 $).For $ \mu = 1 $, Theorem 1.1 ensures the existence of $ 3 $ positive solutions, whose graphs are located in the lower part of the figure
Figure 2. The figure shows an example of $ 3 $ positive solutions to the equation $ u''+\alpha_{1}a_{1}(x) g_{1}(u)-\beta_{1}b_{1}(x) k_{1}(u)+\alpha_{2}a_{2}(x) g_{2}(u) = 0 $ on $ \mathopen{[}0, 5\mathclose{]} $ with $ u (0) = u'(5) = 0 $, whose graphs are located in the lower part of the figure.For this simulation we have chosen $ \alpha_{1} = 10 $, $ \alpha_{2} = 2 $, $ \beta_{1} = 20 $ and the weight functions as in the upper part of the figure, that is $ a_{1}(x) = 1 $ in $ \mathopen{[}0, 2\mathclose{]} $, $ -b_{1}(x) = -\sin (\pi x) $ in $ \mathopen{[}2, 3\mathclose{]} $, $ a_{2}(x) = 0 $ in $ \mathopen{[}3, 4\mathclose{]} $, $ a_{2}(x) = -\sin (\pi x) $ in $ \mathopen{[}4, 5\mathclose{]} $.Moreover, we have taken $ g_{1}(s) = g_{2}(s) = s\arctan (s) $ and $ k_{1}(s) = s/(1+s^{2}) $ (for $ s>0 $).Notice that $ k_{1}(s) $ has not a superlinear behavior, since $ \lim_{s\to 0^{+}}k_{1}(s)/s = 1>0 $ and $ \lim_{s\to +\infty}k_{1}(s)/s = 0 $.Then [10,Theorem 5.3] does not apply, contrary to Theorem 4.1
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