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Self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of Seidel and Laplacian matrices of strongly regular graphs

  • * Corresponding author: A. Švob

    * Corresponding author: A. Švob

D. Crnković and A. Švob were supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project 6732. R. Egan was supported by the Irish Research Council (Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship, GOIPD/2018/304)

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  • In this paper we introduce the notion of orbit matrices of integer matrices such as Seidel and Laplacian matrices of some strongly regular graphs with respect to their permutation automorphism groups. We further show that under certain conditions these orbit matrices yield self-orthogonal codes over finite fields $ \mathbb{F}_q $, where $ q $ is a prime power and over finite rings $ \mathbb{Z}_m $. As a case study, we construct codes from orbit matrices of Seidel, Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrices of strongly regular graphs. In particular, we construct self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of Seidel and Laplacian matrices of the Higman-Sims and McLaughlin graphs.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 05E30, 94B05; Secondary: 05E18.


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  • Table 1.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from Seidel matrices of SRGs

    Graph $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ \mathcal{G}_1^1 $ $ [10,4,6]_3* $ $ [10,6,4]_3* $ 2880
    $ \mathcal{G}_2^1 $ $ [26,11,8]_5 $ $ [26,15,6]_5 $ 576
    $ \mathcal{G}_2^3 $ $ [26,12,8]_5 $ $ [26,14,6]_5 $ 48
    $ \mathcal{G}_2^6 $ $ [26,12,8]_5 $ $ [26,14,6]_5 $ 312
    $ \mathcal{G}_2^8 $ $ [26,9,14]_5* $ $ [28,17,6]_5 $ 124800
    $ \mathcal{G}_3^1 $ $ [28,7,12]_3 $ $ [28,21,4]_3* $ $ 2^{10}\cdot 3^4\cdot 5^1 \cdot 7^1 $
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    Table 2.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the Seidel matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_1 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{1}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_3 $ $ [69,21,15]_3 $ $ [69,48,5]_3 $ 80
    $ Z_{13} $ $ [16,4,9]_3* $ $ [16,12,1]_3 $ 2880
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    Table 3.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the Seidel matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_2 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{2}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_3 $ $ [10,4,6]_3* $ $ [10,6,4]_3* $ 2880
    $ Z_3 $ $ [36,14,12]_3 $ $ [36,22,6]_3 $ 2903040
    $ Z_3 $ $ [28,7,12]_3 $ $ [28,21,4]_3* $ 2903040
    $ Z_3 $ $ [42,15,12]_3 $ $ [42,27,4]_3 $ 17280
    $ Z_3 $ $ [45,15,12]_3 $ $ [45,30,4]_3 $ 5184
    $ Z_{17} $ $ [8,2,6]_3* $ $ [8,6,2]_3* $ 768
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    Table 4.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the Laplacian matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_3 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{3}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_3 $ $ [12,2,3]_3 $ $ [12,10,2]_3* $ $ 2^{10}\cdot 3^5\cdot 5\cdot 7 $
    $ Z_3 $ $ [15,5,6]_3 $ $ [15,10,3]_3 $ 10
    $ Z_3 $ $ [40,10,18]_3 $ $ [40,30,4]_3 $ $ 2^9\cdot 3^6\cdot 5\cdot 13 $
    $ Z_3 $ $ [45,15,12]_3 $ $ [45,30,6]_3 $ 103680
    $ Z_3 $ $ [51,13,12]_3 $ $ [51,38,4]_3 $ 10368
    $ Z_3 $ $ [52,13,12]_3 $ $ [52,39,3]_3 $ 5184
    $ Z_3 $ $ [53,14,12]_3 $ $ [53,39,4]_3 $ 864
    $ Z_5 $ $ [33,9,12]_3 $ $ [33,24,2]_3 $ 96
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    Table 5.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of Laplace matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_4 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{4}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [12,2,6]_2 $ $ [12,10,2]_2* $ 1036800
    $ Z_2 $ $ [14,7,4]_2* $ $ [14,7,4]_2* $ 56448
    $ Z_2 $ $ [40,14,8]_2 $ $ [40,26,4]_2 $ 3932160
    $ Z_2 $ $ [120,24,24]_2 $ $ [120,96,5]_2 $ 1920
    $ Z_2 $ $ [133,27,24]_2 $ $ [133,106,6]_2 $ 336
    $ Z_2 $ $ [134,30,24]_2 $ $ [134,104,5]_2 $ 240
    $ Z_4 $ $ [16,6,6]_2* $ $ [16,10,4]_2* $ 11520
    $ Z_4 $ $ [18,3,6]_2 $ $ [18,15,2]_2* $ $ 2^{13}\cdot 3^{7}\cdot 5^3 $
    $ Z_4 $ $ [18,4,8]_2* $ $ [18,14,2]_2* $ 36864
    $ Z_4 $ $ [36,6,8]_2 $ $ [36,30,2]_2 $ $ 2^{31}\cdot 3^{13} $
    $ Z_4 $ $ [48,8,16_2 $ $ [48,40,4]_2* $ 69120
    $ Z_4 $ $ [60,12,12]_2 $ $ [60,48,4]_2 $ 49152
    $ Z_4 $ $ [61,13,16]_2 $ $ [61,48,4]_2 $ 17280
    $ Z_5 $ $ [56,10,16]_2 $ $ [56,46,2]_2 $ 1440
    $ Z_7 $ $ [40,8,8]_2 $ $ [40,32,2]_2 $ 393216
    $ Z_7 $ $ [40,6,14]_5 $ $ [40,34,2]_5 $ 3072
    $ Z_5 $ $ [56,8,20]_5 $ $ [56,48,2]_5 $ 115200
    $ Z_5 $ $ [54,8,20]_5 $ $ [56,48,2]_5 $ 91729428480
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    Table 6.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the signless Laplacian matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_5 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{5}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [16,3,8]_2* $ $ [16,13,2]_2* $ $ 2^{15}\cdot 3^5 $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [32,5,16]_2* $ $ [32,27,2]_2* $ $ 2^{26}\cdot 3^2\cdot 5^1\cdot 7^1 $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [40,5,16]_2 $ $ [40,35,2]_2* $ $ 2^{34}\cdot 3^{12}\cdot 5^1 $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [60,3,32]_2 $ $ [60,57,2]_2 $ $ 2^{55}\cdot 3^{18}\cdot 5^8\cdot 7^7\cdot 11^1 $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [64,4,32]_2* $ $ [64,60,2]_2* $ $ 2^{55}\cdot 3^{17}\cdot 5^1\cdot 7^2 $
    $ Z_2 $ $ [64,7,32]_2* $ $ [64,57,4]_2* $ $ 2^{21}\cdot 3^4\cdot 5^1\cdot 7^2\cdot 31^1 $
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    Table 7.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the Seidel matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_6 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{6}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_5 $ $ [19,4,10]_5 $ $ [19,15,2]_5 $ 1920
    $ Z_5 $ $ [20,3,10]_5 $ $ [20,17,2]_5 $ $ 2^{17}\cdot 3^5\cdot 5^4 $
    $ Z_5 $ $ [20,4,14]_5* $ $ [20,16,4]_5* $ 960
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    Table 8.  Self-orthogonal codes constructed from orbit matrices of the Laplacian matrix of $ \mathcal{G}_7 $

    $ G \leq \mathrm{Aut}({\mathcal{G}_{7}}) $ $ C $ $ \mathrm{Dual}(C) $ $ |\mathrm{Aut}(C)| $
    $ Z_5 $ $ [54,4,20]_5 $ $ [54,50,2]_5 $ $ 2^{24}\cdot 3^{7}\cdot 5^{1} $
    $ Z_5 $ $ [55,3,20]_5 $ $ [55,52,2]_5* $ $ 2^{44}\cdot 3^{17}\cdot 5^{12}\cdot 7^3\cdot 11^2 \cdot 13\cdot 17\cdot 19\cdot 23 $
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    Table 9.  Self-dual codes over $ \mathbb{Z}_4 $ constructed from orbit matrices of signless Laplacian matrices of SRGs $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ and $ \mathcal{G}_8 $

    Graph $ C $ $ d_H(C) $, $ d_E(C) $, $ d_L(C) $ Type
    $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ $ ((8,4^1 2^{6})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ $ ((16,4^3 2^{10})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ $ ((32,4^5 2^{22})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ $ ((36,4^1 2^{34})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_5 $ $ ((40,4^5 2^{30})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_8 $ $ ((24,4^1 2^{22})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_8 $ $ ((24,4^5 2^{14})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_8 $ $ ((28,4^1 2^{26})) $ 2, 8, 4
    $ \mathcal{G}_8 $ $ ((30,4^0 2^{30})) $ 1, 4, 2
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